Red Rooster - and a question

Not for mine, but there is That's where I got the original I based mine off. It's very close in this case! I find a lot of the layouts at tagboard effects are ok - they work - but I like to draw my own most of the time these days because either I can make them smaller or I like to have wires in particular places. In other words you develop ways of doing things which work for you. Everyone has different likes and dislikes.
Yeah it's been useful but it does astonish me the attitude of some of the posters there. Mark seems cool but some of his acolytes have some serious chips on their shoulders! Some exhibit some fairly tragic insecurity issues. It's part of the reason I find this forum so impressive. I have found none of the hostility and negativity here, and that's rare and wonderful. Plus the help I have found here is accurate and insightful.
It's a great site, lotta good info there, but be warned that even some of the "verified" layouts contain errors. Plan on doing some troubleshooting along the way.
Should I not even consider the unverifieds for now? Huge library! I guess this is a great place to get my feet wet
If you can find the schematic they have used to make the layout it's not too hard to trace your way through it to check it will work. But then you have to know that the schematic is accurate... I wouldn't try the unverified layouts because it's usually a bad trace is the reason they aren't verified.
Yeah it's been useful but it does astonish me the attitude of some of the posters there. Mark seems cool but some of his acolytes have some serious chips on their shoulders! Some exhibit some fairly tragic insecurity issues. It's part of the reason I find this forum so impressive. I have found none of the hostility and negativity here, and that's rare and wonderful. Plus the help I have found here is accurate and insightful.
I stopped reading the comments on tagboardeffects for the same reason that I won't read the comments on YouTube.