Incredible!! Thanks @bean! I actually did indeed buy a Clusterfuzz Micro, but I wanted to build this primarily to get the LED setting! I love love love any kind of Clusterfuzz, thanks to you and Forrest for making such a rich, textured fuzz.You can ask one of the designer's of this effect...which is me! This is a Function F(x) Clusterfuzz (Jr version). Actually, this design was mostly Forrest but I'm not above taking undeserved credit.
Anyway, If you want to eliminate some noise at the max settings, increase the 10pF to 47pF and put a small value resistor b/w the 22uF cap and the Fuzz pot (22R - 47R). You can also increase the value of the 4n7 cap a little b/w the base of the MPSA13 and emitter of the 2n5089.
Lastly, if you get any noise when rolling the guitar pot volume down, put a series resistor before the 680pF cap at the input. A 1k or 2k2 is probably enough.
Incredible!! Thanks @bean! I actually did indeed buy a Clusterfuzz Micro, but I wanted to build this primarily to get the LED setting! I love love love any kind of Clusterfuzz, thanks to you and Forrest for making such a rich, textured fuzz.
I'll absolutely try those two things - full disclosure, I'm TWO months into all of this, so some of the details are hazy! Ha... In putting a small value resistor between 22uf and the Fuzz pot, it looks like it would go between the - side of the cap and Lug 3 (based on the Vero diagram). Is that totally wrong?? I bet it is. I have a lot to learn. EDIT: Think I was looking at the wrong 22uf cap anyways
Secondly - I really did want to try a "Fuzz Factory" style transistor Bias control to even further choke/squeeze/gate it... I cannot for the life of me figure out what to do! Tried a pot on 10k, didn't work out. I figure between the 8Bit control and a Bias knob, it'll get pretty synthy and weird. Is this a dumb idea?
I really, really appreciate the input. I'll be buying more Function f(x) pedals for sure, this was just top of my list for my little building adventure...
Thanks @bean , I actually gave it a shot!Yes, you can put the resistor either b/w the neg side of the 22uF and lug 3 of the Fuzz pot or between lug2 of that pot and ground. This dials back the max fuzz setting just a bit in case noise gets to be too much.
The controls from the Fuzz Factory don't port well to this design since is quite a bit different than a traditional fuzz. But, if you want to try a gate control, here's a suggestion: put a 500kB or 1MB pot either in parallel or in series with that 4n7 cap. Adding a lot of resistance in the feedback path may gate it up some more. I'm not exactly sure off the bat if it's better in series or parallel (or if will work that well at all) but it is an easy thing to try. Use lugs 1 and 2 of the pot so it's set up as a variable resistor where the resistance increases as you turn the pot up. You can leave lug3 unconnected.
Log pot or linear?Hey guys, fairly new builder here. Got a volume pot question. The volume really explodes at 9 o'clock so it's a bit difficult to dial in the volume.
Any suggestions on how to get a more even taper?
Which pedal?I followed the build doc with a B10k
Haven’t seen build reports for it yet. You could try a log pot (A10k) which might help with that.The Beatle Juice fuzz. Love it but it's hard to find the sweet spot on my board since it goes from 0 to 10 right around 9 o'clock