Six Sleepers For Your Consideration

Reverb. It gets you the most eyes on your builds, but you will likely make less than minimum wage considering the time spent boxing extras, creating listings, shipping, dealing with the occasional jackass customer, etc. But I view it as a few extra steps that make my pedal building and other gear indulgences "free"

Awesome, thank you. I'm not looking to turn a profit, I'm mainly looking to free up space so I can build more. :) Recovering costs as well would be a nice bonus.

If I had musician friends, I'd probably give them as gifts, but alas...
*Bookmarks thread for future*

These look great, as everyone else said I love the aesthetic of your enclosures. All individual but with the same class. Will have to keep these in mind in the future once I finish current projects.
Man, I need to learn how to create graphics like this. I guess YouTube...I've heard gimp can be used. Guess I have my hands filled lol