One of the first boards I bought from Pedal PCB was the "Sliver" because I was a huge fan of Barber Electronics pedals. Particularity the LTD V2 and the LTD SR. I built the Sliver and was very underwhelmed. At first I thought something was wrong because there was little to no sweep in the Tone knob.
After a little internet research I found that the schematic the Sliver was based on was from a DIY project published by Barber himself. It was based on the LTD circuit but was not the same as the production models Barber sells.
I decided to revisit this project and compare it to my original LTD SR and see if I could tweak the Sliver to make it into an LTD SR. I think I came up with something extremely close and sounds much better than the Sliver project. Below are the changes you need to make. I plan to do the same with the LTD V1, V2 and Silver models as well.
R3 = 4.7k
R5 = 330r
R8 = 3k
R9 = 10k
C3 = 22n
C5 = 47n
C6 = 15n
C7 = 22n
IC = JRC 4580D
The original LTDs didn't have a MIDS trim pot and used a fixed resistor. If you want to use the resistor use 6.2k in place of the trim pot. Or tweak the trim pot to taste.
9 substitutions for a tremendously improved pedal! IMHO
Also note that the LTD SR is not as mid range focused as the V1, 2 and Silver. It's more open and transparent. (relatively speaking.) Back in the day it was a highly regarded low gain pedal.
After a little internet research I found that the schematic the Sliver was based on was from a DIY project published by Barber himself. It was based on the LTD circuit but was not the same as the production models Barber sells.
I decided to revisit this project and compare it to my original LTD SR and see if I could tweak the Sliver to make it into an LTD SR. I think I came up with something extremely close and sounds much better than the Sliver project. Below are the changes you need to make. I plan to do the same with the LTD V1, V2 and Silver models as well.
R3 = 4.7k
R5 = 330r
R8 = 3k
R9 = 10k
C3 = 22n
C5 = 47n
C6 = 15n
C7 = 22n
IC = JRC 4580D
The original LTDs didn't have a MIDS trim pot and used a fixed resistor. If you want to use the resistor use 6.2k in place of the trim pot. Or tweak the trim pot to taste.
9 substitutions for a tremendously improved pedal! IMHO
Also note that the LTD SR is not as mid range focused as the V1, 2 and Silver. It's more open and transparent. (relatively speaking.) Back in the day it was a highly regarded low gain pedal.