Small sound big sound


Active member
I know I’ve brought it up before but has there ever been a serious consideration for a Smallsound/big sound PCB? I remember a thread way back about this. It was stated that the original designer was going to release his own pcb so pedalPCB left it alone. The original designer never did release one and PedalPCB said they would see what they can do. Well it’s been quite a while now, so I wonder if it slipped through the cracks and was forgotten about. I would REALLY love this one to exist. And so many other people I talk to.

Is there a possibility of this happening some day? I haven’t seen another pcb out there anywhere. Building it on vero is fine, but makes it hard to use in certain builds.

Please please please do this one!! 🙏


Thanks man. One day I’ll learn to etch. I might give the vero a try. I was just hoping for a commercial PCB at some point for ease really. it’s a circuit I love and feel it wound be great to have a clean, quick way to include SSBS in dual pedals etc…
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