SMG Cock Blocker (Double Gate)

Hmmm... looking at the video, I notice they have two LEDs showing the circuit reacting to what I believe are the guitar input and the signal at the amp's send/return.

I guess I was thinking they're saying that they use a through key input, but they throw a second gate onto the key signal before it outputs.

So maybe the real question is, "what's the point gating the through guitar signal if you're already gating at the amp's send/return?"

The guy in the video is (being paid to) say that with particularly noisy pickups (he uses a tele in his example), you'd want that second gate on the through output.

I'll leave it to those of you who actually understand this stuff to say whether that's at all necessary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Of course I could be wrong, but I think the description is misleading...

My guess is that he's just split the bi-color LED into two separate LEDs... The right LED appears to be a standard Active/Bypass LED, the left LED appears to indicate whether the gate is active or not. I don't ever see the right LED turn off except when the pedal is bypassed.

I suppose there could be two independent gate circuits in the thing, but I can't imagine why you'd want that.