Soldano slo100 AA electronics

Nice build!
Have started to build slo 100W myself.

Havent found the impediance switch in the bom.
Maybe you have link to mouser ?
Holy crap, dude!! Very very cool.

Found the AA site last summer, and signed up, just this weekend I receive a sales notice from them.

Hmm when to start on the amp journey?!?
Thanks! Jason

I was dubious to start. especially having only built one amp before which was pretty much a paint by numbers (not that its a bad thing, but Trinity docs are absolutely fantastic!) If this is your first you might want to think again?

This doesn't come with much but the layout diagram is great. The BOM could do with a little update. Some of the bits you don't need and some are obsolete and or he has changed the PCB slightly. I had issues with diodes fitting in the holes :rolleyes:

Also there is no info on where to get the chassis etc. but you can look around. If its a SLO you are building then you have options. I know Jason at evolve has a deal with a company so if you get his PCB you can match to a chassis to suit. I hope Andrea at AA does this soon too.

Saying all that, the finished article is amazing! and my go to amp now for sure.

I just purchased a PMEQ from Master Effects and run it in the EQ loop and it sounds f'ing amazing now!!!

If you need any help with anything drop me a line.
Start with a full kit (including chassis and possibly headshell) if you can. Plenty of stuff to chose from, from the simplest Fender single channel to full-sized Marshall and SLO. Obviously easier amps will be easier to start on but doing something more complicated is doable if you take your time and try to go beyond following instruction by trying to understand why you twist certain wires, why V1 should stay the hell away from a power transformer, etc. You could paint some kits by numbers but that might not net you the result you are hoping for.