Some Overdrive Recommendation


Active member
Hi! First thanks you PEDALPCB!! now I can make pedals and enjoy it at the same time I learn!!!

I did a Kliche Overdrive and a Paragon and I just wanna ask you two question!

What overdrive do you recommend me to add to those two?

I like blues and rock and I play with a blackface amp...

Thank you everyone!!
If you’re looking to tack on to your existing ODs then I would suggest a boost pedal. You can have it either after the OD (mostly volume increase) or before the OD. Before the OD makes it sound like there’s more gain although that’s not really what’s happening.
I prefer a more transparent overdrive which is why I suggested the blues driver clone vs a tube screamer. My suggestion for you is to YouTube a number of the “similar to” names of the different OD circuits sold here. Do it in spurts, otherwise everything will sound the same eventually.
Im using the Paragon for two stage of gain and the Kliche for boosting solos.

I think maybe Six String Singer is a good always on for get some Edge of breakup sound.

I was looking at the cobalt Drive but Im not sure if I like it
If you want something different and versatile you could try the Malachite. It sounds to me very amplike, very nice mild crunch. And it has a three band eq that the other ones you built don't have.
It's look pretty good idea I will look for It!
If you want something different and versatile you could try the Malachite. It sounds to me very amplike, very nice mild crunch. And it has a three band eq that the other ones you built don't have.
Here’s a few ideas for different flavors. In my opinion all of these can stack well with KoT and Klone.

Honey Bee (not sold at pedalpcb, but can be found at other sites). Warm, syrupy, very expressive / touch sensitive, I like it a lot for blues.
Superbolt - jfet implementation of Supro amp. Can have some tonal similarities with the honey bee (which is also marketed as Supro imitation), but a bit different feel. I would also describe as warm and touch sensitive.
Fairfield Barbershop - raw, gritty, bright. Kinda like taking your clean tone and roughing it up, adding some spark.

the last two use jfets, so be sure to source from a good supplier (not eBay). Your best bet is getting the smd J201s from pedalpcb presolderd.
Just chiming in to agree that the barbershop/chopshop is a great sounding dirt pedal for sure, but due to the J201s it's a slightly fussy build.
The Superbolt look awesome, maybe I can try it for some blues or for solo tones!

It´s look like my favorite of all and less bass thant the six string

Fairfield Barbershop - raw, gritty, bright. Kinda like taking your clean tone and roughing it up, adding some spark.

the last two use jfets, so be sure to source from a good supplier (not eBay). Your best bet is getting the smd J201s from pedalpcb presolderd.
+1 on that recommendation!
I will go for the Super 64!! It looks awesome and Im pretty sure it will stacks well with paragon.

Thanks for the help!!!!