Symbolic Overdrive


New member
Quick question on the Symbolic. The parts list shows R5 to be 22K, but on the board its labeled 10K. No schematic yet to confirm. Which is correct? TIA.
Good catch Mike!

I have the symbolic drive and initially built it with a 10k resistor on R5. I just installed a 22k resistor on R5 but now my Symbolic Drive sounds mis-biased like a velcro/glitchy fuzz factory. Is R5 a biasing transistor for one of the 2N7000 transistors?

The 2N7000's are just used for MOSFET clipping.

Changing R5 shouldn't have caused any issues, I've used both 10K and 22K without any problems.

I'd double check the value and look for a solder splash.


I found that my issue was with C2 so you're right! After fixing my issue either R5 values sounded good. Thanks for that schematic y'all the best.