SOLVED Tactical Fuzz No Audio


Active member
I'm having troubles with my tactical fuzz build -
First off I know there's no transistors in the sockets in the first pic, I've tested two working good pairs of npn transistors with matching pinouts to no avail. I will say I'm not sure I've ever got a fuzz working that required this transformer so I posted more pics of another of the transistors because I suspect that's where the issue is. but if anyone has any ideas here I'd really appreciate it!



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Welp, I forgot to solder in the second side of two components.... we're in business now and soundin glorious!
Which transistors did you use and where did you end up on the trimpot setting? Where should you set the trimpot when there’s an external bias control?
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I don’t remember the exact transistors but both germanium, pretty standard low ish gain if I’m remembering right. For the bias trimpot I’ll set the external bias to noon then dial the internal trimpot till I see 4.5v on the collector of q2. That way the external bias control has a bit of wiggle in either direction. I assume that’s kind of a standard way to do it but I often find I like a lot of fuzzes with the bias set around 5-5.5v