Testing Paragon


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

I’m a super novice, and wondering how to test a paragon - or any dual foot switch pedal for that matter.

I use the auditorium test platform normally. Sorry if this is really straightforward.

In short, I don’t think you can. Dual pedals have slightly different designs than the majority of 125B builds. You could still use the power leads on the auditorium but that’s pretty much it. You will need to solder foot switches and jacks to the Paragon board to test it.

Edit: actually you may be able to connect the in/out pads on the auditorium to the corresponding ones on the paragon (and one ground pad).
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Dig it, thanks man.

Edit: assuming as much, that’s what I have already done…and I’ve got probs. I’ll start a new thread in Troubleshooting once I take some pics 🫠
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