Ok. I'm back on the project. I will say this up front: I do not know what I am doing here. I am learning as I go, as I hope others are. We are all in it together. If no one wants to participate, that's fine. I'll carry on solo, and it will at least be documented. If a few people want to play along, I would like everyone to update their progress...
So. The project is to build a pedal (a fuzz) from scratch, using perf/vero board (still not decided). Most of us know how to solder, and stuff like drilling enclosures/wiring up, etc., so we won't have to focus on that. The main purpose here is to teach how to use the medium on perfboard/veroboard...
Now, what are we gonna build? I've come up with three options. If anyone wants to play along, please comment with your preferred project. Whichever project gets the most votes when I decide to end the voting will be the project. Here are the ideas:
1) Fuzz Face, following the Small Bear tutorial
2) Craig Anderton's Tube Sound Fuzz (I'll scan and post the pages from my copy of EPFM)
3) Mosrite Fuzz-Rite (might be a good companion to another Fuzz-Rite thread)
So vote. Or don't, if you do not intend to participate...or do, whatever. In the meantime, what board are we gonna use? Maybe to help with that I'll put together a perf v. vero primer...