The Triforce of Power


Well-known member
You might see this in an upcoming build report from thewintersoldier as well, but here is a triple overdrive that I finally got around to boxing this weekend. Chris got in contact with me to design up an overdrive comprising the big three in a dirt section, a Tube Screamer (Dunes flavor), a Rat and a Klon. Here is what I came up with.

Unfortunately I made a mistake with mine... a real boneheaded one that I slapped myself for when I figured it out, but boxed it anyway until I get around to fixing it. Can anyone figure out what it is (Nobody wins a prize, just seeing if anyone is eagle-eyed to figure it out)?
Did you drill the LED bezel size too large?? I can’t see anything else. It looks awesome BTW!!
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner :)

I was a little mad when I noticed that boxing it up last night, but not mad enough to fix it right now :)
I did that once on a pedal where luckily I was able to just transfer the pots to the opposite side of the PCB and rotate the assembly 180° so the pots matched up to their labels. Unfortunately that also meant that the fuzz and volume pots were at minimum at 10 and at maximum at 0. Oh well lol