Chuck D. Bones
Circuit Wizard
This article picks up where the Fat Sandwich article leaves off.
Here's what I have at the moment. It's still a work in progress. The Fat Sandwich is kinda like 4 stacked pedals: Clean Boost -> DS-1 -> EQ -> Red Llama. I mainly attacked the EQ section and made the clipping diodes functional. I moved the CURVE trimpot to the front panel and retuned it to have a better feel. I also moved the DRIVE trimpot to the front panel. R40 & R41 were added to make the clipping more symmetric in the last two stages. Their values are still in flux. I raised the input impedance by increasing R27 and tweaked the biasing on Q4 & Q4. I added a variable freq treble cut at the end and named it PRESENCE. I'm currently experimenting with removing D2 & D5. After that, I'll try some alternate Tone networks between U1 & U2.
Here's what I have at the moment. It's still a work in progress. The Fat Sandwich is kinda like 4 stacked pedals: Clean Boost -> DS-1 -> EQ -> Red Llama. I mainly attacked the EQ section and made the clipping diodes functional. I moved the CURVE trimpot to the front panel and retuned it to have a better feel. I also moved the DRIVE trimpot to the front panel. R40 & R41 were added to make the clipping more symmetric in the last two stages. Their values are still in flux. I raised the input impedance by increasing R27 and tweaked the biasing on Q4 & Q4. I added a variable freq treble cut at the end and named it PRESENCE. I'm currently experimenting with removing D2 & D5. After that, I'll try some alternate Tone networks between U1 & U2.