TL072 vs "TL072"

Just want to interject that 072a have been made for what,b2-3-3.5394737? decades.
The print will change with die change, at minimum. Maybe by the week...
There are IC comparison PCBs out there for those concerned. But I extremely doubt 072s from across decades or even years look consistent (unless they have a bird on them, but even then, the bird could be a legit manufactured one that was discarded for the print---buy from a legit parts warehouse.).
@temol Thanks so much for this. Maybe PPCB Forum should set up a directory of valid photos of all the major stompbox IC's and manufacturers? Just wondering out loud after your contribution here...

I'm still mostly in the mode of thinking ICs are always genuine at Mouser, where TL072 CP's are only $0.69/each w/ 29k in stock. They are always my first go-to place for silicon.
... In my mind it was like if some career fraudster decided one day: "nah, not gonna counterfeit $100 bills anymore, I'm gonna do nickels from now on!"
When you get a C-note, you inspect it — shops, gas-stations, banks — all will inspect it. In fact, some shops won't accept a hundred-buck-bill (even though their buying power through inflation is emaciated — and everyone using CCs and direct-debit etc :rolleyes:).

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition, ... eh, yes, well, nobody expects to be counterfeit nickled and dimed. Flood the market with fake nickels and you can make some real money; try to pass off one fake $100 bill and you're arrested immediately.

I got a bunch of HK$500 bills (about US$70/HK$500 IIRC) withdrawing a large total-sum of money from an HSBC ATM, and with them came a 500-Quetzel or Quinient — I don't even remember, but I looked it up at the time and it was worth 57¢ to collectors because the country behind it had dumped it and started over, a few times, since the bill I received was in use.

I was a teenage werewolf, no, I was COUNTERFEIT-SWINDLED BY A BANK!!
Alright, the chicken logo is out, now it's…

If you’re looking to save money, I’ve been buying TL072s made by HGSemi and UTC from LCSC for personal and prototype builds and saving TI chips for commissions. Can’t recall if I’ve used one in a clean circuit though. As a longtime and frequent AliExpress chip gambler LCSC has pretty much curbed my habit.
Have you done any testing on the Chinese clones ? I want to know how they perform vs an original.

Just recieved 5 pairs of MN3102/MN3207 from Aliexpress. Two MN3207 are dead. Rest of the ICs seems to be OK.
Here's the picture of a pair. MN3207 is clearly after cosmetic work... sanded top surface and laser-etched letters. MN3102 are from desoldering, some legs are bent. But at least they're all functional.


Here for comparison: the left ones are sanded pieces, the right ones are the "normal" ICs. As you can see, they are similar from the bottom.

I've been getting my MN3207 from an ebay seller, Polida I believe. Dozens of chips spread over several orders across the years. They all worked. I only threw away one chip because it was significantly noisier than the rest. They're probably not genuine Panasonic, but whoever makes them must have the original chip die design, because they work as they should, meet specs etc.
Thanks for the info. Next time I might try Polida (although I've read various opinions about this store, but fortunately you don't have to spend a fortune.. sometimes it's worth taking a risk). It seems that when buying from China you can buy working MN3207/3102. But it's probably much worse with MN3007, at least judging from the comments on the forums.