TPA3118 60W Power Amp Module

While a "pedal amp" might be a great use for this small board, what about a variable power converter to use this to replace a dead output amp in a classic early Solid State head. Almost all of the early Solid State amps such as Silverstone, Thomas Vox (Vox USA), Gibson, not to mention high-fi amps from the same era, have a transformer driver and a "totem pole" stack of output transistors. If the driver transformer goes bad, no one, NO ONE, makes replacements.
I have used other class D boards to rebuild early VOX SS amps. The voltage levels work since most are single +VDC. I have replaced the power transformer with one with a current level but same output voltage.
So an interface board to bypass the "dead" early output amp would make this type of replacement fairly easy.
A real one in one of my pedal builds for comparison. 32-pin IC. Discrete components all the same. Fakes have a 28-pin IC and discretes are moved. In particular, C20 in the lower left is R20 on a fake.


And a fake. Note R20 and pin count. And no C20 to be found.

FWIW I just got these from Aliexpress. I was ordering other stuff and tossed them in the cart just in case they might be genuine. I haven't powered them up yet, but at least they have 32 pins?

This is the item I I ordered:
I'm ordering a few more, but I assume there's no guarantee that they'll be the same as these.
Those are selling for 99 cents right now at Ali to new subscribers. Hint, hint, to folks who want some... And only 2 bucks for for those of us who've bought from Ali before. I just ordered 10 because... How can anyone skip this? And I'm insane... The TPA3118 chip from mouser, for 10 of them, is more than this (with shipping cost). I have a PCB designed at PCBway to build these if they go extinct but they are surviving.
And a reminder to folks new to this thread... These need a good preamp to make a pedal board amp. I have PCBs to do this and I suggest using the volume-only version. And, they can also have an XLR installed, presuming you are using a cab-sim ahead of this power amp.

My build guide for various versions of the power amp pedal:

These pair really well with the AMT legend series II preamps. Three versions are worth trying out: E2; M2; O2. The E2 and M2 are great if you use a tube-screamer style pre boost with it to push the AMT clean channel and can push the drive channels into full metal jacket. The O2 is lower gain and is a very articulate, solid drive channel. My buddy uses a Sherriff (Bobby at PedalPCB) for metal tone into the clean channel of the AMT O2 and the O2 drive channel for hard rock (like AC DC). The cabsim out of the AMT goes to the power amp. If you want to build an AMT pedal, I have PCBs for that, too. We gig with these and guitar players are impressed... Sometimes shocked. If you build a Sherriff (Bobby), use 4558 or 4580 opamps, not TL072. Not a huge difference but it does sound better that way. Build with IC sockets and try it for yourself.

The combo pedal build we use to gig is in this thread:

It has an AMT as the center piece and includes a lead boost (spark) and noise gate (Muzzle) and preboost (many options) and either a second drive channel or a reverb. We've settled into the drive channel we like so we both have a spin FV-1 reverb in our gig pedals now. That's the heart of our pedal boards. A combo preamp pedal and the power amp pedal with XLR out to the PA.

PCBWay projects that support all this:
Feel free to order direct from them. I can sell some if you are in the US but it's cheaper to buy direct from PCBWay anywhere else.

As a note, I'm not in the business of selling PCBs but I'm willing to sell some things that are not available at PedalPCB, like the power amp, AMT and the alternate versions of PedalPCB things that I redesigned to squeeze into the combo pedal build. And, if Robert wants any of this to pursue on PedalPCB, he can have it for free. (This is my disclaimer for folks who are ready to pounce on me for redesigning some PedalPCB stuff.)
I ordered more TPA3118 module boards from PCBWay. I only did this in case the official boards ever became obsolete so I can make them myself.
Here's video of flowing the solder paste to mount a TPA3118 using a hot plate. Solder paste is applied to the heat-sink pad and all the finger pads sparingly. Then the TPA3118 is dropped onto the board with tweezers. Then the board is set onto the hot plate until the solder flows. Finally, tap the chip into proper position and remove from the hot plate and set aside on an empty pedal case to cool. I do not use a silk-screen mask to apply the solder because it wicks onto the pins nicely. You can see how the solder paste first flows all around the pins as the flux liquifies. Then when the solder itself melts it wicks onto the pins as surface tension pulls the solder onto the pads. No shorts unless too much solder paste is applied. If that happens, it can be fixed with a little solder wick and soldering iron on the offending shorted pins.
Here's mine next to one from the Ali express. It's obviously pointless to build versus buy, but, ... This is what a DIY board looks like. Other than the chip, mine is all through-hole and is a slightly larger board. All the holes for wires are in the exact same spot as the official board so they both fit on my preamp sandwich boards perfectly.
@Paul.Ruby im just building one of your vol only-descrete pedals (before starting on the M2 combo build) and just wanted to check re the footswitch. Is it a off(on) momentary switch or does it need to be latching?

(Edit: tried with a switch and just connecting the wires and doesnt seem to make a difference)
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@Paul.Ruby im just building one of your vol only-descrete pedals (before starting on the M2 combo build) and just wanted to check re the footswitch. Is it a off(on) momentary switch or does it need to be latching?

(Edit: tried with a switch and just connecting the wires and doesnt seem to make a difference)
Momentary, normally open. All my versions have a soft-touch enable circuit of some sort using discrete components or an ATtiny.

But, I should add that the circuit could be simplified to just use a latching switch connected directly to the mute pin on the power amp. I was learning how to make various methods of soft touch and added it to these.
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I don't know exactly how many of these I have had to replace. 5? 7? one or the other. Very easy to destroy, very hard to post-mortem.

I have many powered guitar cabinets with them installed. When they work they are almost miraculous. Quiet. Transparent.

I have had even more nightmares with any Chinesium TPA3116 boards. So many that I started etching my own carrier boards that accept a breakout for the smd.

If you provision your own chips you can get the automotive grade which can take a bit more abuse. ( TPA3118D2 , if I recall )

I would advocate the creation of a board not unlike the Arachnid. It's on my lazy to do list to make one to replace my clunky copper clad solution.
Here's mine next to one from the Ali express. It's obviously pointless to build versus buy, but, ... This is what a DIY board looks like. Other than the chip, mine is all through-hole and is a slightly larger board. All the holes for wires are in the exact same spot as the official board so they both fit on my preamp sandwich boards perfectly.
View attachment 88415

Aaaaand I'm guilty of posting to the topic before reading the whole thread. Saw the boards in the PedalPCB store and put it on my to do list to share my experiences.

For me, cost is rarely the reason to DIY. Personally I'm fond of finding a mirror and cussing out the fool who built the thing, and something something mitigating exploitation something something. So this DIY board is *beautiful*, thank you for sharing it.

I have to add that all of the boards I have gone through used genuine chips. There's no consistent reason for destruction. I have put them in metal enclosures, I have attached them to wood cabinets... yadi freaking yadi.
I don't know exactly how many of these I have had to replace. 5? 7? one or the other. Very easy to destroy, very hard to post-mortem.

I have many powered guitar cabinets with them installed. When they work they are almost miraculous. Quiet. Transparent.

I have had even more nightmares with any Chinesium TPA3116 boards. So many that I started etching my own carrier boards that accept a breakout for the smd.

If you provision your own chips you can get the automotive grade which can take a bit more abuse. ( TPA3118D2 , if I recall )

I would advocate the creation of a board not unlike the Arachnid. It's on my lazy to do list to make one to replace my clunky copper clad solution.
I've not had a single one die and have made about 20 of them. But, most of the boards from china are fake. The will laser mark the chips as 3118 or 3116 but the chips are fake. Those are all garbage. The real chips have never failed on me.
I didn't say anything about failure.

I am sharing that I destroyed many. This can happen with genuine chips or counterfeits that are still a functioning class D chip.