Ugly face


Well-known member
I picked up a few boards from moonn out of curiosity. This is the tim escobedo ugly face which moonn calls the backpfeifengesicht. and it's a lot of fun. It's fuzzy and nasty but also a crazy glitch envelope filtery oscillator that makes sounds akin to the data corrupter. Kind of hard to describe. Highly recomnend. Seemed like ugly face was the appropriate circuit to put in a mirrored polished aluminum box. Screenshot_20211017-015141_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20211017-015158_Gallery.jpg
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So I was after the lo Fran and just impulsively filled my cart with other stuff. Peachy, heavy machinery, ugly face. They threw in a ramblin man octave fuzz and it ain't bad either.

Check this one out.
So I was after the lo Fran and just impulsively filled my cart with other stuff. Peachy, heavy machinery, ugly face. They threw in a ramblin man octave fuzz and it ain't bad either.

Check this one out.
Moonn stuff is cool! I've built like a dozen now, including the Time Waster - silly PCB layout, great sounds. The LoFran has soooo much bass, Peachy is fantastic. And all the DBA things ....

I've made a family pic.

moonn stuff.jpg