Add ugly face envelope to other circuits?


Well-known member
Hey everyone

I have been reading about the Escobedo Ugly Face. I really like some of the weird sounds that this thing can make, but i'm not really into the LMN386 fuzz circuit. Is it possible to add the Ugly Face envelope section to any other fuzz/distortion pedal of my choosing?

Looking at the Nutty Fuzz schematic below, it looks like i could remove the 386 and put pretty much any circuit there.

Is there anything that I'm missing here? I will breadboard this later in the week when I have more time but I wanted to see if anyone had any experience doing this? I suspect I might need a really loud circuit to engage the envelope if I remove the 386.

Thanks for any feedback!
Sorry, I have no experience with this — but I always wanted to get my hands on a Grind Custom Machete (Ugly Face w/ M Bailey's LFO & Mods), so I'm keenly interested in your project.

Following the Nutty schematic, I'd guess you'd need to mess with R4, R5 and possibly the THRESHOLD values to compensate for a circuit-IC with less output than the 386's.

Just checked and... I'd forgotten I have a Nutty PCB, so...
