What would you consider a "long enough" delay time for most practical purposes?

Surely it must use two PT2399s to achieve those delay times. I'd love to take a look at the schematic, but my Google Fu failed me. They mention using some open source tap tempo circuit in it. One would thing that a product using open source stuff would also be open source. But I guess it depends on the license type.
Yeah I'm also getting nothing, I guess some brave soul will have to purchase one and send it to Robert for a trace/board and the greater good of all.
Yeah I'm also getting nothing, I guess some brave soul will have to purchase one and send it to Robert for a trace/board and the greater good of all.
TBH, by now I've played around with PT2399 enough and deviated from the datasheet examples far enough that I think I have a pretty good idea what can be squeezed out of it and at what cost it comes (or is that a feature?). I published my findings for the curious who want to dig deeper. I wish others would be more inclined to do the same. It's not like they're the ones who figured out how to drill the hole in the macaroni. Virtually everything in electronics has been done before.

In face of obscurity, trace, baby, trace.