SOLVED Woodpecker...No Sound


Active member
Hey all. I finished my (First) build of the Woodpecker, and while I’m fairly sure of my component values and orientation, my soldering could use some work. I also didn’t use any flux for this, though apparently I should have.

Audio passes through just fine in bypass, and the LED lights up as expected...but no sound at all when engaged. Turning knobs and flipping the switch made no sounds either.

I’m going to give the board a scrub with alcohol and an acid brush, and I can see some of my solder connections could use some touching up. I run my iron at 400 Celsius. That said, I’m wide open to suggestions! Thanks!

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Thanks for that, Barry! I re-flowed all my solder joints, double checked the codes of all the resistors, used a desoldering braid where I used too much, and scrubbed the board with alcohol.

Just tested it again and...she works! All functions nominal! Thanks so much for your time, folks! This was a great learning experience. My next pedal will be even cleaner.