What are your favorite spray paint colors?


Well-known member
The weather is finally getting nice enough to spray paint enclosures outside again and I have a metric shit ton of pcbs to box up. I have started on a few enclosures but I’m low on pretty much all my spray paint. What are you guys favorite colors? I have tried Krylon gold glitter in the past and that sucked. I’m looking for a good metallic gold for sure but I also just want to stock up cool colors. So let’s hear it! What do you like? What do you hate?
i don't mean to be impertinent, but is tayda not an option for you? (definitely more cost effective for me at least + i suck at painting)

All good. I use tayda enclosures for most of my typical builds but I have some oddball enclosures and a gutted BOSS enclosure that I want to refinish. Hence the spray paint. I’m not a huge fan of using spray paint but it is pretty damn rewarding when it comes out right.
I can' t remember... I think it was Dupli-Color MC205 Orange Metal Cast Anodized ... let me see...

Checked the garage, still have a wee squirt left in the can — Dupli-Color Metal Specks Premium Coating BURNT COPPER.

Here's the post way back when, and a pic from the post — SAME COLOUR! :


LEFT: Pedal bottom with flat primer that the paint reacted poorly to.
Bare Metal | Flat light-grey primer | Orange metal-flake

RIGHT: Pedal Face, same paint, on a clear adhesion promoter.
Bare Metal | Transparent adhesion promoter | Orange metal-flake | Clear Coat

I don't recall for sure if I clear-coated the bottom (probably not since it's going to get velcro and not really be seen).

I like orange. The pic really shows how different a colour can turn out based on prep, substrata materials, and finishing touches.
Dang. This is gorgeous and mysterious.
I don't want to copy you, but I'm dying to know what circuit is inside and where you got that shapely enclosure. It's incredibly cool.
They say "something something imitation, blah blah flattery." It's a fuzzy fox with a mids toggle and the octave on a footswitch. The enclosure came from amplifiedparts.com Paints all krylon rattle can hardware store impulse purchases.

I can' t remember... I think it was Dupli-Color MC205 Orange Metal Cast Anodized ... let me see...

Checked the garage, still have a wee squirt left in the can — Dupli-Color Metal Specks Premium Coating BURNT COPPER.

Here's the post way back when, and a pic from the post — SAME COLOUR! :


LEFT: Pedal bottom with flat primer that the paint reacted poorly to.
Bare Metal | Flat light-grey primer | Orange metal-flake

RIGHT: Pedal Face, same paint, on a clear adhesion promoter.
Bare Metal | Transparent adhesion promoter | Orange metal-flake | Clear Coat

I don't recall for sure if I clear-coated the bottom (probably not since it's going to get velcro and not really be seen).

I like orange. The pic really shows how different a colour can turn out based on prep, substrata materials, and finishing touches.
Oh hell yeah! That’s real nice!
I like to spray this aqua over other things. It's translucent in light coats so it'll turn a bright pink to purple. This is a textured stone, then hit it with fluorescent pink and then a kiss of the aqua across the front. Also glitter.

View attachment 74824
I have some of the textured stone spray paint. I’m going to give this method a shot. That looks killer!
+1 on duplicolor paints. Anytime I'm in an auto parts store I always take a gander. Sometimes you can find a few cans for $2-3.
Got a can of Mercury Mistake Spruce green and Nissan Sentra silver last time.
With their auto paint, a quick spin on the enclosure with the palm sander and 200 grit, a spray and wipe with isopropyl and a quick almost dusting of primer seems to work well.
Getting off topic but some #10(iirc) self tapping sheet metal screws work well for standoffs. Just poke em in the enclosure screw holes and a slight twist. Won't mar the threads but will grab just enough.
I keep meaning to get some 2 inchish M10s or whatever tayda boxes are threaded to.