How many of your builds get stalled out because you keep thinking of elaborate mods to add?

How many of your builds get stalled out because you keep thinking of elaborate mods to add?

  • None or rarely

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • At least once a batch

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • More than half the time

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • I rarely finish a pedal

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters
I don’t think I mod things to extreme (though half the time impractical ). They always seem to be relatively simple and straightforward so It can take me a little longer and Im by no means a quick or prolific builder but I wouldn’t say I have had a completely stalled build due to my hair brain ideas.
I’ll think of things that require parts I don’t have, so then I’ll put it off until the next batch, during which time I might think of something else to change. A lot of times I finish them, eventually. I have 5 right now that are in pedal limbo
I can't decide if I'm building a regular kliche or a bass kliche. Have parts for both.
I spend the rest of the time hoping I don't find a good mod for a pedal ive already completed.
I spend the rest of the time hoping I don't find a good mod for a pedal ive already completed.
Pfft that’s what these are for! ;) Seriously, I’m revisiting pretty much every pedal as I learn more along the way. Really sharpens those desoldering skills! I started with one of those ridiculously huge blue plastic ones, but the Engineer-style sucker is totally indispensable.
The standing order is that if I have any AHA of inspiration, all tools and supplies are to be locked up.

This applies more to hand-wired/vero/frankensolder stuff than to manufactured pcbs, but then there's this Deofol waiting to have the latest CB mods applied to it...
I build stock. Unboxed. And try the circuit out.
Then read up on suggested mods. Weigh the pros and cons of how much effort those mods would take. But I’d say about a quarter of them get modded. Especially if the mod is adding a bias knob, or a pot swap.
All the builds stall before getting into an enclosure. And some I build twice. To compare modded to stock.
Like the distortion plus and DOD grey spec.