I wanted to simplify the Op Amp Big Muff to bias both op amps at +4.5 and to replace the tone control with a simple shelving filter. I also did slightly asymmetric LED clipping instead of the 4148s.
I got proto boards made and they sort of work... loud, low rumbling noise in the background and most strangely, the Fuzz control behaves weirdly: rolling it back and forth, you can see one or the other clipping LED light up depending on which way you roll it, and the sound cuts out while the pot is moving.
I'm confident that the board is accurate to the schematic and that my soldering isn't the issue. I know just enough to be dangerous at this point so I'm sure I messed something up schematic-wise - if anybody can point out what I may or may not have missed, that would be much appreciated.
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