Narcissus Dip Switch function


Active member
Hi all, just build a Narcissus O/D pedal, nice low gain OD pedal. I am Trying to figure out what the dip switches do, cant hear too much of a difference with them either way, might have been the lower volumes I was at to test it. Can anybody tell me what they do?

Did you look online for the manual or videos regarding the DOD Looking Glass Overdrive? Robert is usually faithful to the original design, so that would be the first place I'd look. With a quick search, it seems like DIP 1 changes the input impedance slightly - but I didn't continue searching for what DIP 2 does. If you can't find any more info, then review the schematic (apologies, I'm not familiar with that pedal). Good luck!
This is taken from Digitech website:


The Looking Glass’ Input Filter control is passive and interacts nicely with your guitar’s electronics when not using a buffer in front of it. However, when using buffered pedals before the Looking Glass you may want to adjust the two internal DIP switches to darken the tone further. The left DIP switch increases the input impedance of the pedal. The right DIP switch engages a darker voicing of the Input Filter."