Dr Phybes - GPCB


Breadboard Baker
It's been a while since I posted a build report. The bulk of my time over the past few months outside of work has been spent on ACTUALLY PLAYING, er, at least practicing my guitar chops. I've also been trying to lose some weight by getting my 10,000 steps in each day. It's working, but takes a chunk out of my day. I feel happier trying to better myself in multiple areas of my life.

Anyways, this is the GPCB Dr Phybes that I got in a trade a while ago. It's pretty much the XC Phase found here. I also picked up the matching 2n5952's from there. This is my first phaser I've built. Not 100% sure if modulation is for me since I'm more of a hard rock/metalhead kind of guy. Shredding and fast riffs are kinda my thing right now and I don't think this jives with it. Or I just don't really like this phaser.

The build itself was pretty straightforward. I decided to build it with the 45/90 mod right off the bat and it sounded like crap. If you search the forum you'll find it. Turns out I wired the switch wrong and laid the resistors across the lugs instead of just on 1 of them with the other lead to a wire. Live and learn I guess. I also wired the bi-color LED backwards and had to fix it.

Not my best work on the inside with wiring, but that's partially the PCB layout (PPCB has muuuuuch cleaner layouts) and my mods. Hammered rattle can on the outside with matte clear coats to protect it.

How does it sound? Once you dial in the trimmer just right it does the phase thing. My only gripe about it is that it kills a ton of low end. Not sure if anyone anyone can point me in the right direction to bring some of it back or if that's the nature of the beast, but I'll post the build doc here if anyone feels like helping.

My overall recommendation? I think everyone should try a phaser, but it's not for everyone. I should probably head over to my local music store and spend all afternoon trying out gear.

It's been a while since I posted a build report. The bulk of my time over the past few months outside of work has been spent on ACTUALLY PLAYING, er, at least practicing my guitar chops. I've also been trying to lose some weight by getting my 10,000 steps in each day. It's working, but takes a chunk out of my day. I feel happier trying to better myself in multiple areas of my life.

Anyways, this is the GPCB Dr Phybes that I got in a trade a while ago. It's pretty much the XC Phase found here. I also picked up the matching 2n5952's from there. This is my first phaser I've built. Not 100% sure if modulation is for me since I'm more of a hard rock/metalhead kind of guy. Shredding and fast riffs are kinda my thing right now and I don't think this jives with it. Or I just don't really like this phaser.

The build itself was pretty straightforward. I decided to build it with the 45/90 mod right off the bat and it sounded like crap. If you search the forum you'll find it. Turns out I wired the switch wrong and laid the resistors across the lugs instead of just on 1 of them with the other lead to a wire. Live and learn I guess. I also wired the bi-color LED backwards and had to fix it.

Not my best work on the inside with wiring, but that's partially the PCB layout (PPCB has muuuuuch cleaner layouts) and my mods. Hammered rattle can on the outside with matte clear coats to protect it.

How does it sound? Once you dial in the trimmer just right it does the phase thing. My only gripe about it is that it kills a ton of low end. Not sure if anyone anyone can point me in the right direction to bring some of it back or if that's the nature of the beast, but I'll post the build doc here if anyone feels like helping.

My overall recommendation? I think everyone should try a phaser, but it's not for everyone. I should probably head over to my local music store and spend all afternoon trying out gear.

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Woohoo, very nice. The phase 90 is a jangly phaser. You don’t get that in others. An OTA phaser, like the arias phaser, is very chewy. I had one on my board the whole time I was gigging.

I agree, everyone should build a phaser or 40. There’s a picture of all the ones I’ve built so far, somewhere around here.
Way to brave through it. I have some older gpcb boards that I acquired 2-3 years ago that I've picked up a few times then, nah, I don't want to.
Re the bass, I guess you could try upping all those 47n coupling caps? But I'm not familiar with this circuit so that could bork the whole thing...
Props on not braking that switch first stomp.