Encouraged with first build - Paragon Mini


Active member
So after figuring out my enclosure-size issue (most likely inadvertently trying to use a 1590b instead of a 125b), I successfully wired up my first build - a Paragon Mini. The off-board wiring went well no small thanks to the “workflow” thread pinned on the forum.

I was initially dismayed when I plugged it in and absolutely nothing happened, but it turns out you actually need to have the ICs in their sockets for the pedal to work - not still sitting in the bag they came in - who knew.

Also a bit upset with myself I wasn’t more careful with marking and drilling the enclosure - switches are noticeably off, but live and learn. I most likely wasn’t going to ever obtain a King of Tone, so it was pretty cool to hear what one might sound like. I can see why some people sing its praises - very versatile.

I’d be happy to hear if anyone has advice/constructive criticism as to how I could improve things, or if you see I should be doing something differently. IMG_1572.jpeg IMG_1573.jpeg
You’re off to a good start, it worked! Welcome to what may well turn into an addiction, and this forum is ripe with enablers ;).

General tidiness and attention to detail are always areas I personally focus on. You may consider keeping your input/output jack leads further away from each other and the circuit board as you progress onto future projects, especially high-gain circuits. Overall nice job here, especially considering it’s your first build and it works!
I dont even know how many pedals ive built…. Heres my drilling from one 2 weeks back. 😂😂😂 IMG_8071.jpeg
Yea the led was supposed to be centered between the two knobs.

And the ic thing is only bad if it took more than 1/2 an hour to figure it out :)

Congrats on your first build and thats the same reason i started pedals i knew id never spend the hundreds on.
Nice job!

I can't count the amount of times I've been confused by a non-working pedal only to realize I hadn't put the ICs in, so welcome to the club. Drilling is something I still find stressful too