Chips and Things


New member
I am a total noob! First time on the forums here. I've never built a pedal and am just accumulating knowledge. I bought a lot of electronics without knowing anything about what they could be. I ended up with a lot of chips that, with some research, look like chips for TVs or displays. This gives me two questions.

1. Are there any feasible ways for me to include these in pedal circuits? I'm interested in experimenting and seeing what could happen but don't know if there are some circuitry or electronics laws I'm unaware of here.

2. Can I be pointed toward a resource or website that effectively tells me what the hell parts I have? It takes so long to pinpoint what I'm holding sometimes its wild.

1. Are there any feasible ways for me to include these in pedal circuits? I'm interested in experimenting and seeing what could happen but don't know if there are some circuitry or electronics laws I'm unaware of here.

2. Can I be pointed toward a resource or website that effectively tells me what the hell parts I have? It takes so long to pinpoint what I'm holding sometimes its wild.

1. With no clue as to what the chips part numbers are, we have no idea how to answer this question.
2. The best resource for determining what the parts you have do, look up their respective datasheets thru Google. Tons of info that way.