Sovtek Smallstone


Well-known member
Got a smallstone and the footswitch is fubared. I cant tell if momentary or latching. Pretty sure its momentary can anyone confirm?

Yea ill have to trace this wiring out some. Led works and im passing signal with the led on with no effect. None with the led off. My input jack is on the same side of the switch as the led, so i think i might have got the wires on the wrong side. Unfortunately they are all gray. Ill poke around more after work.

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Alright so I've got some work to do on this guy. Seems like a common thought on these. Figured I'd post what I'm dealing with if anyone has any leads before I dig in, getting late here so won't until tomorrow evening at the earliest. Figured out the wiring, 3 goes where I'd think 2 would, I should have paid attention while disconnecting (well at least I think thats right). I have Phasing! And the LED turns on when I have it. But theres a massive volume drop. Ive got my fender 75 at 5 on the MV and 7 on the volume and my kids are asleep and the wife isnt screaming at me and I can play away. Also As I turn the rate up theres a noticeable lfo thump/tick. I'll pull it apart and probe it tomorrow, but if anyone has any suggestions as to a good starting point I'm all ears :)