Greer Black Mountain Drive troubleshooting assistance


New member
Hi all,

Working from this layout of the Precipice schematic. The only part substitution I used was a 1N4001 in the rectifier spot instead of the 5817.

I've tested between all the vero rows for shorts, double checked component placement and trace cuts, and I'm stumped.

IC voltages are 1:7.39v 2:7.28v, 3:7.85v, 4:0.1v, 5:0.37v, 6: 6.87v, 7:0.69v, 8:8.81v

I checked the Vref points and the clipping diodes are .317v, as is the tone control 47n cap. I think they should be closer to the 4.24v-4.27v I'm getting on the other Vref points but don't know enough to know what is going on. The R6 22k vref is 3.62v

I tried an audio-probe and I lose the signal at the 6 pin. I tried swapping the IC for different op-amps (one TL082 and a few others) I had on the bench to see if it was a bad chip but either all 4 I tested are bad - which seems unlikely - or it's the circuit somewhere.


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looks like a solder bridge at the top right of the photo, but that could just be the angle

you didn't say what's wrong. no sound? some sound but low? whining noise?