SOLVED First Build - El Sol not working


New member
I'm getting no signal from my circuit, just noise when it's on. I've troubleshot it to the best of my ability, every trace I can find gets a beep when I test for continuity. From the other thread with a similar issue, it seems like my LM386s could be the problem, but I'm not sure how to check them. Hoping that's not the case since I didn't have the foresight to use sockets. 1000002338.jpg PXL_20240802_195141574.jpg PXL_20240802_195159068.jpg PXL_20240802_195613922.jpg
your wiring and soldering needs a bit of work... Are you aware that the boards are designed so you dont have to offboard wire the pots? Your led wiring looks it needs work as well... you should just tie the hot and negative lead into the led pads at top of the board.. Also its a good idea to use sockets for the ic chips as well...Your input/output jacks could also stand to be the metal type instead of insulated to help with getting ground.
I retract part my statement.. looks like you did wire to the led pads... i was just tired last night and realized you bypassed the CLR resistor because u have a prewired unit..
My guess is that one of your 386s is fried. You could try to probe the first one, and if you get a good signal out of that, you'll know that it's likely the second one. If you get low/no sound out of the first one, you could start there. However, you're probably going to have to sacrifice the IC to get it off the board. A hot air rework station is probably the only way to do it without damaging the chip, but if it's a bad chip, it doesn't matter.

Probably the easiest way to get it off is to cut the legs. Then, you can desolder the pins separately and clean up each of the pads. As a rule of thumb, I always socket ICs because it's easy to get a bad one or fry one by putting too much heat on it when you're soldering it in.