Dung Beetle


Breadboard Baker
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Been a little while since I've done a build report, so here goes...

This is the PPCB Dung Beetle (Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe). I got this board basically through word of mouth about a year ago. With such a low parts count I knew this would be a great breadboard project to start with. The stock values didn't disappoint, so I kept it as it. These are all common value parts, so nothing out of the ordinary. I had this all boxed up in an unfinished enclosure for maaaaybe 6 months or so. I finally bit the bullet last week with some acrylic paint and a relatively steady hand.

A few words about the controls. If you've got hot pickups or a boost in front, the FUZZ control won't do a whole lot. What shines on this board is the FAT control and BIAS. FAT is just a blended input cap which is really appreciated in a fuzz for me. In a mix it might be a different situation, but I'm a basement player so I want that low end in there. BIAS is where you can get a whole range of tones. Dial it in juuuust right and you've almost got distortion territory where everything just "snaps" together nicely.

I haven't touched my bass in a while, but I think this could be easily tweaked for some great low end fun. Coupling caps mostly.

Go build one. You won't regret it.


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That came out really cool. I’m also a big fan of the circuit, such great textures available with the bias knob
Been a little while since I've done a build report, so here goes...

This is the PPCB Dung Beetle (Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe). I got this board basically through word of mouth about a year ago. With such a low parts count I knew this would be a great breadboard project to start with. The stock values didn't disappoint, so I kept it as it. These are all common value parts, so nothing out of the ordinary. I had this all boxed up in an unfinished enclosure for maaaaybe 6 months or so. I finally bit the bullet last week with some acrylic paint and a relatively steady hand.

A few words about the controls. If you've got hot pickups or a boost in front, the FUZZ control won't do a whole lot. What shines on this board is the FAT control and BIAS. FAT is just a blended input cap which is really appreciated in a fuzz for me. In a mix it might be a different situation, but I'm a basement player so I want that low end in there. BIAS is where you can get a whole range of tones. Dial it in juuuust right and you've almost got distortion territory where everything just "snaps" together nicely.

I haven't touched my bass in a while, but I think this could be easily tweaked for some great low end fun. Coupling caps mostly.

Go build one. You won't regret it.


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I think this looks freaking awesome! Really great job, clean inside and out!

Did you find lettering to bee the hardest part?
Hand painting is the pedal builder skill I lack/covet the most. I can barely write legibly. Props.
Me too...

My hand writing is trash, that is why everything is block lettering with all upper case. Lower case letters with swoops in them can suck it, I am talking to you lower case s.
Thanks! Sometimes you just got to bite the bullet and try it. There are some shortcuts out there. I'm no @jjjimi84
There really are no shortcuts when it comes to painting, it takes time and patience and more work than actually making the pedal.

But it looks cool as fuck and the babes love it.
There really are no shortcuts when it comes to painting, it takes time and patience and more work than actually making the pedal.
My shortcut was to find an image online and try to paint that. I'm pretty bad when it comes to shading even though I took an art class in high school.