Delegate Boneyard Edition Question...


Well-known member
Hey smart folks, gathering my bits and pieces for this build.

What are the "optional D6-D7" led pads for?

I couldn't find any mention of them in the threads I've read. Also what color is recommended?


Thank you! I missed that thread in my search somehow.

Second silly question: The BOM calls for 2x 3mm Red Led's for D1 and D2.
I cannot for the life of me find a D1 or D2 on the board (physical or the graphic).

Looking at the schematic and examining the traces of the board itself, it looks like what the BOM refers to as "D1-D2" is actually the aforementioned D6 & D7. Is this right?

Thanks again @benny_profane!
Second silly question: The BOM calls for 2x 3mm Red Led's for D1 and D2.
I cannot for the life of me find a D1 or D2 on the board (physical or the graphic).

Looking at the schematic and examining the traces of the board itself, it looks like what the BOM refers to as "D1-D2" is actually the aforementioned D6 & D7. Is this right?
You're correct. The schematic, BOM, and refdes are not entirely consistent.
Those LEDs are optional. They limit the peak signal during a strong attack, such as hitting thr strings hard with SUSTAIN turned up. Without those LEDs, the opamp saturates which doesn't sound all that good.
Those LEDs are optional. They limit the peak signal during a strong attack, such as hitting thr strings hard with SUSTAIN turned up. Without those LEDs, the opamp saturates which doesn't sound all that good.
So, I was curious if this was a case by case basis option. I socketed the two optional LED’s and when they were in the circuit, I’d get some decent saturation/drive when the Saturation knob was dialed anywhere passed noon. Took the optional diodes out and now it’s clear as a bell, even with the saturation knob all the way CW.

After reading your comment, it seems like I should be experiencing the exact opposite. Circuit sounds great, by the way. Thanks!
There is no "saturation" knob.

Depending on how you set the SUSTAIN, RATIO & ATTACK knobs (and your guitar volume), the first stage will saturate, at least for a few 10s of ms, while the gain control loops responds to the abrupt signal increase when you strike the strings. You have a choice: the tone of an opamp saturating or the tone of an LED soft limiter. I prefer the latter. If you want the last dB of headroom, leave the LEDs out. If you like the tone of the opamp saturating, leave the LEDs out. As you turn RATIO down, the LEDs have less effect. This compressor has 6 knobs. That's a lot of degrees of freedom. Some of them interact. Not all combinations will sound good. It will take a while to find the combinations you like.

Whether the LEDs come into play also depends on the LDR's speed and resistance range, amount of light landing on the LDR, etc. The RELEASE knob not only controls the release rate, it also controls the maximum brightness of D3. Turning RELEASE up reduces D3's max brightness which could reduce compression.
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There is no "saturation" knob.

Depending on how you set the SUSTAIN, RATIO & ATTACK knobs (and your guitar volume), the first stage will saturate, at least for a few 10s of ms, while the gain control loops responds to the abrupt signal increase when you strike the strings. You have a choice: the tone of an opamp saturating or the tone of an LED soft limiter. I prefer the latter. If you want the last dB of headroom, leave the LEDs out. If you like the tone of the opamp saturating, leave the LEDs out. As you turn RATIO down, the LEDs have less effect. This compressor has 6 knobs. That's a lot of degrees of freedom. Some of them interact. Not all combinations will sound good. It will take a while to find the combinations you like.

Whether the LEDs come into play also depends on the LDR's speed and resistance range, amount of light landing on the LDR, etc. The RELEASE knob not only controls the release rate, it also controls the maximum brightness of D3. Turning RELEASE up reduces D3's max brightness which could reduce compression.
Oh shoot, all this thinking about saturation and I misspoke. You’re absolutely correct, I meant to say Sustain. Thank you for clarifying that.

To the main point about my inquiry, your explanation (as usual) makes perfect sense. Thank you for the swift and complete reply, as well as the additional information. As far as the amount of knobs and how they interact, it always seems like a great option at first, who wants less?? Although, it does take a decent learning curve to get all the variation down. Reminds me of my initial experience with the Fuzz Factory. I had heard so many demos that made it sound awesome, then I built one and quickly learned that this particular pedal will take some time to really flesh out.

As always, thank you for your time and well detailed explanation.