Ok. I am very new to this. When I look up the parts listed in the Emu Amp Sim document on Mouser, there are many options.
Should use a different website?
Mouser seems overwhelming at first, but once you power through it a couple of times, it’s not too bad. The thing I did at first was to upload a random Mouser BOM (Aion have them for pretty much all their projects) to the Mouser site, then just basically copy the specs/brands in it and change the values to what I needed.
Make notes and figure out what attributes (you can leave a lot of them blank) you need to enter into the “Smart Filter” to find what you need. For most things you’ll just need:
• through hole (DIP for ICs) vs. surface mount
• component value or name/number
• Voltage and/or wattage rating
• tolerance %
• **for some capacitor stuff you might also want to look at “Termination Style”, “Lead Spacing”, and the actual dimensions of the cap
• also, pay attention to stock Availability, so you don’t accidentally end up with a back order. And be aware of minimum purchase quantities for some parts
Once you figure out what brands you tend to end up with, you might also want to filter by a couple of Manufacturers, just to thin out excess results.
The other nice thing is when you do a search, it’ll indicate things that you’ve ordered previously. So if you need the same part for a new project, just buy the one you bought before (assuming it worked for you last time) and don’t waste time wading through the whole list.
See, simple!

It’s honestly not bad once you do it a few times. Mouser has a ton of stuff, but they also have some really good, user friendly tools for sorting through it all.
As others have said, Tayda is a good resource. And I wouldn’t buy any hardware (jacks, pots, enclosures, etc.) from Mouser. Their prices on that stuff aren’t great. Love My Switches and Stomp Box Parts have been my go-to’s for that stuff lately.