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- 5.00 star(s)

This seems to be pretty popular round these parts, judging by the plethora of associated build reports. Nice to come back to the familiar territory of a PPCB board after some detours elsewhere. A quick build by my standards and I copped out of drilling/finishing by repurposing a Tayda 4-hole enclosure that was previously home to a General Tso.
I used standup polystyrene caps for the 250 and 470pFs called for, as you see, and for symmetry used something similar for the 100nF power filter cap. I have absolutely no reason to believe that this makes any difference to the toan, but hell's bells, why not?
I winged the biasing, set Q2 and Q3 as close to 4V as I could get and then biased Q1 more or less by ear. I wanted the dirt to come in a little later in the pot's travel (say 11am) and this seems to work. FWIW I measured 7V or so on Q1. Naturally, this might be 'wrong' and YMMV, depending on what you want to get from the pedal.

The name puns on 'Son of' in my usual puerile fashion.
I regret to say I didn't find anything particularly outstanding about the pedal toan-wise. It's serviceable if a mite pedestrian IMHO but once again don't let my sense of 'mildly meh' deter you from taking it on. It might be just what you're after, after all.
I notice that it tends to hum when anything ground-related gets too close (my hand, in this case), suggesting I need to work on sanding off some paint where the jacks meet the enclosure. At least this confirms the ground loop theory as in my hand providing an alternative pathway to ground, or so I surmise.
Thanks for reading and much success in your builds.