T12/T15 soldering iron tip recommendations.


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I’ve recently got a Quecoo T12-956 soldering station to replace the most basic of basic soldering irons I’ve been using, an Antex C15. The Antex has served me well but ever since watching a video by Marcus Reeves on tools for pedal building, in which he said he was using a Quecoo in preference to his Hakko and Weller, I’ve been tempted.

So far I’m really impressed, it’s quicker at getting the heat into the joint, and, well, just a pleasure to use.

There is a huge number of tips to choose from, far more than were available on the Antex, and given the cheapness of the tips I’m happy to get a few to experiment with, and was hoping those of you who have a soldering iron that takes T12 or T15 tips might be able to recommend some of your go to tips?
I don't have a T15 iron but can attest that spending the extra couple bucks on a real brands tips can make a huge difference in tips. I'll only buy hakko at this point. A lot of the chineseium tips are half the weight. Seem to be laminated aluminum or something and they just don't transfer heat well. They'll eventually get hot, but don't recover.
As far as shapes, it's up to preference. I like a fine chisel like a D08 or D12 for PCBs. Other like conicals, which have an advantage of no improper orientation. You'll want a broad chisel or knife for any guitar electronics, particularly the backs of pots.
Oh, so I might have not reached the pinicle soldering experience yet, not until I get a Hakko tip :)

To ask a probably dumb question, is it that the element goes, and that is why you have to replace the tip after six months? The tip on my Antex is many, many years old, and not worn out, or maybe it is I I’ve not realised it?
I've used a knockoff D16 for a few years. It goes from 0805 SMD to heating up pot legs fast enough to not bother changing it out. I also have a BC1.5 ("hoof") and a D12 for the odd tiny pads or smaller SMD if I someday decide to go that route. I use the T12/D16 more than the FX888d with a similarly sized tip, which I've replaced, while the D16 is still shiny and working great.
I also have a T12 soldering iron and it's really a game changer compared to the basic models! For the tips, I mainly use the T12-K for larger welds and the T12-BC2 for precision. The T12-D24 is also an excellent compromise for most jobs. It all depends on your style and the type of components you are welding. At this price, it's worth experimenting with several! Curious to see what you think of it after a few tries.