Just ordered the Terrarium, wondering about sourcing parts


New member
My daughter just got her first electric guitar, and I have a v5 Daisy Seed sitting unused on a breadboard, so I ordered a Terrarium. Woo!

I'm unsure the best place to source the parts, however. Looking around these forums, it looks like Tayda is the best place to get everything? Is that right?

Also, I have a Daisy Pod that I've uploaded the test effect code onto--is there an easy way to use it with a guitar, while I wait for the Terrarium?

I use Tayda, mainly because I like to order their pre drilled and powder coated enclosures, so it's cheap to add any components to the order. I also like to use LoveMySwitches for knobs, footswitches. Digikey or Mouser for any electronics that Tayda doesn't have.

Looks like the Pod has a 1/8" stereo line in? If you have an audio interface or mixer you could use the line out from that, might need a 1/4" to 1/8" TRS adapter.
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Tayda is very good for a whole lot.

Their capacitor selection is a bit weak though. Most of their ceramic MLCCs are X7Rs (good for decoupling & high value DC blocking with a minimal footprint) or Z5U (kill it with fire). I prefer to use C0G everywhere else that calls for a MLCC.

Their active component inventory can be a bit limited. Their cheap 1N5718's are...eh...I'll never buy em again. Breathe on em and the labels on the diodes disappear. What they do have in that category can often be had cheaper at mouser in bulk quantities.

Their selection of pots is *great*. Most everything you need outside of wah pots. Great mini toggle switches, stomps leave a little bit to be desired. Knobs are cheap as hell and plentiful. Same with enclosures, though they're missing a few niche sizes.

I tend to source stuff from there, small bear, stomp box parts, mouser, and love my switches, antique electronics supply...depending on the specific thing I need.
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>>Tayda is very good for a whole lot.
Is the "post service" (to USA) ie the "cheap" method still ok if you dont need it for a month or so? Or is it a gamble it ever shows up? All the other shipping costs are about $15 which for a big order is ok but for a few parts not worth it.
I use Mouser for most components. Love My Switches and Stomp Box Parts for enclosures and hardware stuff. Small Bear for pedal specific rarities (matched Ge transistors or something like that). Tayda for the occasional thing I can’t seem to find elsewhere.
This site: https://www.thonk.co.uk/ is mainly synth DIY, but they were the only ones with 9mm 25kC pots in stock when I needed some a little while ago. And their UK to US shipping isn’t bad at all, price or time-wise.

Aion has a ‘where to buy what’ guide on their site that has some good info: https://aionfx.com/resources/parts-sourcing-where-to-buy-what/
>>Tayda is very good for a whole lot.
Is the "post service" (to USA) ie the "cheap" method still ok if you dont need it for a month or so? Or is it a gamble it ever shows up? All the other shipping costs are about $15 which for a big order is ok but for a few parts not worth it.
I use cheap post service and never had any bad surprise. Now I sometime use the "all duty paid" option if it’s not much more. If you want drilled, painted and printed enclosures it can take long.
That's no gpt-lady...

O M G ! - THAT – BOWLING — BALL... !!!

IT'S MY WIFE!!!!!!

And the lesson we've learned from this thread is: next time you place your Tayda order, don't forget to say —

phonetically: K̄hx mị̀ s̄ı̀ plā s̄ị̂tạn na kha

Translated: "No anchovies, please".
