Joben Magooch
Well-known member
I think I get what it does now, but I haven't seen anybody really explain why they're excited to have one. (Besides the fact that it looks awesome and impressive)
These type of pedals/gadgets are a big vice of mine. I love building stuff with all sorts of wacky routing and zany possibilities and this and that... Last time I built a pedalboard I made it with a built-in A/B switcher for multiple guitars, two separate insert/"audition" points for trying out new pedals in the chain, power pass-throughs, a little built-in gooseneck lamp, a USB hub, a patch bay for inserting an additional volume and/or expression pedal, all that jazz....Basically my approach was "If there's any chance I'd ever use this functionality, I want to have that option available to me". Of course when push came to shove, 99.999% of the time I'd use one single guitar and the most vanilla, run-of-the-road setup/signal routing imaginable. I do this all the time and pretty much never touch all the fun gadgets and "special features". In the same way I have always been super intrigued by the Klein Bottle. I look at it and think "There's so many things I could do with this..." and then my better judgement kicks in and says "...but you will never actually do any of them"

Props to OP though. Sweet looking build and I applaud anyone who finds a neat way to put this thing to use