VFE Klein Bottle

I think I get what it does now, but I haven't seen anybody really explain why they're excited to have one. (Besides the fact that it looks awesome and impressive)

These type of pedals/gadgets are a big vice of mine. I love building stuff with all sorts of wacky routing and zany possibilities and this and that... Last time I built a pedalboard I made it with a built-in A/B switcher for multiple guitars, two separate insert/"audition" points for trying out new pedals in the chain, power pass-throughs, a little built-in gooseneck lamp, a USB hub, a patch bay for inserting an additional volume and/or expression pedal, all that jazz....Basically my approach was "If there's any chance I'd ever use this functionality, I want to have that option available to me". Of course when push came to shove, 99.999% of the time I'd use one single guitar and the most vanilla, run-of-the-road setup/signal routing imaginable. I do this all the time and pretty much never touch all the fun gadgets and "special features". In the same way I have always been super intrigued by the Klein Bottle. I look at it and think "There's so many things I could do with this..." and then my better judgement kicks in and says "...but you will never actually do any of them" :LOL:

Props to OP though. Sweet looking build and I applaud anyone who finds a neat way to put this thing to use :P
Better to have it, and not need it, than to not have it and need it.

On that note... seeing as you still have some KB left, @cwsquared, I may take one or two off your hands. I'll check with a couple of friends and see if they're interested (one recently got the EHX triple-thinger).
Shit. I can’t believe you plotted and drilled that by hand. I can hardly measure and drill for 6 pots without a file handy.

And parallel processing is absolutely next level. It’s like a knob for turning up the hugeness and otherwise new and interestingness of your sound. The same way a clean blend or wet/dry/stereo rig can enhance everything, except x10 because each loop can have whatever effect you want rather than just clean. AND each loop can effect the others in series as well as in parallel. So you can run a ring mod on your delay repeats, or delay your envelope filter, or whatever crazy shit you can think of: they feed into each other, like a Klein bottle. This is coming from someone who uses mostly distortion and fuzz, so it’s not just for dreamscaper, sound designer shit.