I've had to use them at work too in past jobs. At home I've never used them and do live in a dry desert climate prone to static electricity. Never had a failure i could attribute to static (knock on wood). But I am careful to touch my workpiece prior to introducing a static sensitive component out of habit. Same with anything else that static might affect. I work on a wooden bench that doesn't conduct or harbor static like some plastics can.
I have a grounding bracelet, but only use it on the coldest driest days of winter, and then only when handling FETs. Otherwise, I don't see the need. And like @GAStan I have a wood-topped workbench that doesn't harbor static, and my chair also doesn't generate static.
I put mats on my benches at home, but I almost never strap in. I'm in a humid enough place and the stuff I work with isn't super sensitive, but the mats are nice to work on and easy to clean, and I like having the option of strapping in if I ever feel like it's necessary.
I use them when assembling/repairing PC's. I mostly build tube amps. A pedal here and there. SoCal winters when the Santa Anna winds blow can really make tons of static.