Search results

  1. apc42069

    Must buy from Small Bear?

    HBD! yet another bump for Ge semis. sounds like ya have enough trannies, grab a slew of diodes! imo they're much more fun to mess around with than transistors.. easier to measure, easier to handle, dramatic differences in sound - i do be snorting cork, but whatever. innit that kinda the...
  2. apc42069

    REQUEST Tommy III Drill Template or Measurements
  3. apc42069

    Gravitation Reverb / EQD Levitation

    Bubbs 🙌🙌
  4. apc42069

    Gravitation Reverb / EQD Levitation

    a few weeks (months?) ago, i was trawling the forums ISO a good answer to a simple belton question, and this effect kept popping up as a modulatory favorite.. yadda yadda yadda, and here we are! UV printing from Tayda. double white on black w/ varnish gloss. the event horizon lookin a...
  5. apc42069

    CDXL reissue quiet

    let's see the board! i did get mine going- it was a biasing issue. try adjusting the trimpot as slow as humanly possible with a loop going into it. the window is super tight.
  6. apc42069

    Bellum Fuzz MkII not working

    nailed it! R18 too... really a win-win, because now I know what happened to all my 390Ks lol - running 3x 130s in series for a recent Aphrodite build only happened after a solid hour of tearing my bench apart "i KNOW i ordered 390K...but, but where??????" labeled incorrectly, that's where...
  7. apc42069

    Bellum Fuzz MkII not working

    thanks. the socketed connections seem to be fine. i'm either shit with the audio probe, or it's harder than it "should" be. I get no output at either pad of C3, but i DO get signal beyond it. I replaced the cap to be safe, with no change to the probe results. I get no signal at either pad...
  8. apc42069

    Bellum Fuzz MkII not working

    Well this was a surprise! Nothing complicated whatsoever in the build.. thought I was breezing right through it. Alas. At first I thought there was no output & suspected a mystery ground somewhere.. dimed every knob & the volume on my amp, and heard a little somethin somethin. Some kind...
  9. apc42069

    Sun Seeker / Sandspur + Dragons Breath combo

    thanks man! UV from Tayda.
  10. apc42069

    Finished an 18watter!

    wow siiiiiick!!
  11. apc42069

    Sun Seeker / Sandspur + Dragons Breath combo

    The logo is a direct rip of a George Lois design for a now defunct airline w/ props and respect to the legend. Since this is a Sun Lion simulacrum, it seemed to fit. I wish there was space in a 1590BB for the Rangemaster to fit horizontally - I think it sounds way WAY better than the Naga...
  12. apc42069

    Paragon / King of Tone / Court Jester Mods

    aka TON RAJA! *long sigh* finally. Like many, or at least a few, of you - my impetus to start building anything, was to play a KoT..shit even hear one in real life. 600 bucks and 3 years be damned! I built a stock version. I built a mini version. Sounded great, but I quickly became...
  13. apc42069

    Tommy / Timmy

    I was so psyched to secure that switch! build was going along swimmingly, until I didn't have the right toggle (I swear there was one in the box!) Then I didn't have the .82 cap. THEN I didn't have the 3900 cap. ANNNND THENNN in my frustration I only ordered one of each, a spiteful order if...
  14. apc42069

    Tommy / Timmy

    Tommy? Timmy? Who gives a shit?
  15. apc42069

    Son of Ben / Benson Preamp

    thanks man- this is one of those 'believe the hype' pedals for me. from an always on flavor bump to full blown distortion, not a bad sound in the box.
  16. apc42069

    Son of Ben / Benson Preamp

    aka TRIBE OF BINYAMIN!! remember when I said designing enclosures during the High Holidays was a real vibe? Right, so when thinking about the direction for Son of Ben all I kept hearing was in that episode of Curb when Larry is banging the Palestinian chick who hates his guts & he's putting...
  17. apc42069

    Seabed / Deep Blue Delay

    I do, yeah. I use a DM 2W for a ton of applications - sometimes just leave the thing on to fatten everything up.. the scope of this feels narrower.. I need more time with it for sue, but you're not gonna be bummed slapping one together yourself.
  18. apc42069


    indeed! there were staring me in the face for idk how many orders, finally dropped in.. a great close your eyes and hit finalize order moment.
  19. apc42069


    Thanks man, was really hyped about this one!
  20. apc42069


    I love a treble booster. LOVE it I say. Wanted a Rangemaster & old british amp in a box combo. Here's my first stab at getting Bolan tone in one enclosure - using the Rangefinder and J'taime. I love this thing!