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  1. DailyDovetails

    Bass DI pedalboard

    I have a delegate I built recently I could try. Do you have a preference on EQ? Would a single parametric like the EQ anyone or Mercurial fit the bill well? And then leave the rest of the shaping to the amp sim?
  2. DailyDovetails

    Bass DI pedalboard

    Those are both good suggestions would you run the vintage micro tube as an amp sim or as dirt? And the bass klon directly after the compressor as a clean/ slightly dirty boost?
  3. DailyDovetails

    Bass DI pedalboard

    My daughter is looking to join the jazz band at her school next year. She currently plays the cello and is wanting to learn electric bass. I have a few bass guitars that I dabbled with in my early 20's so she can play those until we decide to get her something of her own. What I'm thinking...
  4. DailyDovetails

    Sea Horse

    Nice build. You are somehow able to make the 1/4W resistors look clean in the 1/8w slots. This one is one of my favorites. Did you do it by the BOM or do some of the mods?
  5. DailyDovetails

    DEMO Lectric-FX Polychorus

    That’s a cool pedal. I have wanted a poly chorus for a long time but never enough to pay the crazy cost. I may end up doing one of these in the future.
  6. DailyDovetails

    TSO Fat General

    Nice build. Very clean inside.
  7. DailyDovetails

    Arche Boost :: no booost sound light and sound ok but..

    It should be a 101 marked capacitor there. I would change it and see if it helps.
  8. DailyDovetails

    SOLVED Thermionic - GAIN seems wide open?

    My process for building these is to check the resistance and capacitance of each part including the pots as I install them. I also have the build docs up and compare while I do it. This takes a little longer but I don’t end up spending much time troubleshooting. The boards from here are...
  9. DailyDovetails

    Arche Boost :: no booost sound light and sound ok but..

    Is the circled cap here a 100n? It should be a 100p like the one below. I can’t quite make out the marking but it looks like it might be marked 104.
  10. DailyDovetails

    Arche Boost :: no booost sound light and sound ok but..

    I would start by cleaning the bottom of the board with some isopropyl alcohol(I use 91%) and a toothbrush. Some photos of the foot switch wiring and the rest of the off board stuff might help also. Have you already checked you capacitor and resistor values? They can be found here...
  11. DailyDovetails

    Pestle build

    I played with this pedal for a couple hours trying to figure out my thoughts on it. I think it does a great job at what I’m going to likely inaccurately call the Hiwatt sound. A lot of the settings remind me of something that would be home on a Led Zeppelin or Who album. I think with a slight...
  12. DailyDovetails

    Thermonic distortion

    With the exception of this one yes. They end up being fairly affordable and the modeling and printing process I think is fun.
  13. DailyDovetails

    ADHD with enhanced bypass - aka Lunar Dust

    Your enthusiasm for this has convinced me to add this to my wish list, improved input board and all. This is a nice clean build, the board looks like a tight fit.
  14. DailyDovetails

    Doxie build

    Thank you! I have been working on bringing the quality of my builds up. For the noise mostly no, but there have been a few combinations where it can be a little irritating. I don't honestly mind a little noise with say a BMP or rat by itself but I'm getting some longer chains now that I have...
  15. DailyDovetails

    Doxie build

    lol I normally print those to color match except on the white enclosure because the ones that come with the switch are better than what I can make. Washers come in all shapes, sizes and colors and are all beautiful in their own way.
  16. DailyDovetails

    Doxie build

    This pedal is pretty awesome does a good job at the fender sound. Comparing it to my Particle Accelerator which is similarly voiced. I think the particle accelerator does a better job at doing the kind of pristine slightly compressed smooth fender sound. That being said I think the Doxie...
  17. DailyDovetails

    Delegate Boneyard edition build

    You should do it. There are probably lots of other options to 3d printing to make nice knobs if you don’t have access to one. I can’t recall who but someone on the workbench thread had posted some cool multi color cast ones they had done. One of the resin printers would actually make much...
  18. DailyDovetails

    Delegate Boneyard edition build

    I think this is an awesome compressor. I like a fairly mild compression on my clean sound that just kind of knocks the harsh edge off and this does that as well as I could ask for. It seems like it would also do could do some pretty squished stuff but I haven’t really tried that. The Wampler...
  19. DailyDovetails

    Fuzz Aldrin

    I can understand why it’s one of your favorites it’s a surprisingly good sounding pedal. I used BC549c. If I recall it’s the plastic cased equivalent of the BC109C.
  20. DailyDovetails

    Fuzz Aldrin

    I really like this fuzz. I have been using it in place of where I normally have a BMP. I’m still messing around with the controls on it a bit but the body control makes a pretty big difference on the sound taking it from relatively tame to heavy. The artwork on this is my son. His name...