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    Significant volume drop on Zapper

    I Yeah, I've done all the usual troubleshooting. I may need to go back to see if I have mixed up some resistor values but not sure where to start there
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    Significant volume drop on Zapper

    I definitely don't. I reflowed all the joints
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    Significant volume drop on Zapper

    Here's a gutshot
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    Significant volume drop on Zapper

    Hi all, Not sure if this is a troubleshooting or mod question, but I think it's troubleshooting. Anytime I build a pedal, I set all the knobs to noon and see how close I am to volume without the pedal active. To get to unity volume I almost have to crank the volume the whole way up. That seems...
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    DEMO Lemonade, aka Pink Lemonade

    Here's a demo:
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    Pedal assembly jig

    Can you share the svg please
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    DEMO Lemonade, aka Pink Lemonade

    How could I forget the gutshot!!!
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    DEMO Lemonade, aka Pink Lemonade

    This pedal sounds amazing. One of the things I appreciate about pedal pcb is they tell you what the circuit is based on, so you can get an idea of the sound. I saw this was based on Lumpy's Tone Shop Lemon Drop, and immediately Pink Lemonade popped into my head for a name. I found the pink...
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    Which pedal pcb boards have 4 knobs?

    OK, I'm an idiot. Thank you so much!!!
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    Modding lemonade pcb for wider filter sweep

    Hello all, Just built the lemonade pedal and it sounds absolutely killer. I'm not getting a very wide range with the filter knob. Looking at the schematic there's a 1m resistor going in and a 4u7 and 4n7 capacitor in the other side. If I dropped the 1m to 500k, would that increase my sweep...
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    Which pedal pcb boards have 4 knobs?

    I have a few pcbs from another manufacturer that has 4 knobs, so I ordered a couple of the 4 hole drilled enclosures from Tayda. But the boards I have mount the knobs differently so they would be too close to the input jacks if I use these enclosures. Anyway, waste not want not, I'll build a few...
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    DEMO Guys, it's not a Centaur!!! (Kliche Mini)

    No, text was laser, and the Satyr outline was masking tape over the enclosure, then lasered the cutout, and sprayed with matte laquer
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    DEMO Guys, it's not a Centaur!!! (Kliche Mini)

    Look guys, it's a completely different mythical creature. This is clearly a Satyr, not a Centaur. Love the sound of the Kliche Mini. Such a great circuit Demo:
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    Other PCB Suppliers?

    I build mostly pedal pcb and guitar pcb. Both are excellent and offer kind of different takes on similar effects so you can broaden the catalog of effects you build
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    Zapper, Seabed & Blue Breaker

    I have the Monport K40 Co2. Bit of a learning curve for me, and put a couple of hundred in upgrades into it, but have it dialed in nicely now I think.
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    Zapper, Seabed & Blue Breaker

    Been experimenting with my laser to find which works best for me. First up, the seabed delay which I've renamed Sea Swell. Love this delay. Great variance from nice snappy slapback to weird trippy ambience. Next, the Blue Breaker, which I renamed Purple Gain because I had the enclosure and...
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    Is there a PCB to mimic the JHS Switchback?

    Looking for a pcb that I can have two active pedals plugged into and switch between them. Not an order switch loop, but something like the jhs switchback? Any help appreciated
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    Does anyone have Tayda 125B end drill coordinates?

    Good morning all. Just wondering if any of you who have used Tayda for drilling service before have the coordinates you enter for the endcap on a 125B for the 2 jacks and power out? I prefer to drill the top myself, but hate drilling the ends. So was thinking of ordering a batch with just the...
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    Does Tayda to drilled 2 knob enclosures?

    Ok, thanks. I have some blanks, the pedalpcb drill template and a drill press so I can still drill out myself. I've just been spoiled by using the pre drilled ones recently!!
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    Does Tayda to drilled 2 knob enclosures?

    I've got lazy about drilling recently and have been ordering the pedalpcb drilled enclosures. I've a few tone bender pedals and cracklejacks and went looking for 2 hole drilled 125b but couldn't find any. Do they not carry them or am I searching wrong?