Other PCB Suppliers?


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I've built a bunch of PedalPCB, Aionfx, Deadendfx, Tayda and GodCityInstruments pcbs. I just discovered Moonn Electronics and sushi box fx from some posts on this forum. Do you guys have any other reccomendations for PCB's? just ordered a blackeye from sushi box and a 3 pcb grab bag from Moonn. Im super excited for both.
Madbean and EffectsLayouts both have great projects that often extend functionality or do clever spins on classic circuits (for starters, I’d say the EffectsLayouts Kentauride is super cool and manages to fit a Klon and a TS10 in a single 125B, and Madbean’s got boards for lots of cool analog delays)

Parasit Studio specializes in funky synthy circuits and is always worth the time, and if you’re in the US, I think Smallbear stocks their boards now so you don’t need to order from overseas
I've built Aion, PPCB, Moonn, Fuzzdog, Musikding and one from Uraltone (not sure if they even ship internationally). All of them have been fine, although PPCB has probably been the easiest.

With Fuzzdog I would suggest you pay attention to which boards have 9mm pots, that's one pitfall I've fallen into due to not paying enough attention. Otherwise I haven't had issues.

I've also built one board from MoodySounds and have one on the way from Electric Druid, MoodySounds build was fine (except where the hell can I get a C2k pot!?). I've also heard GuitarPCB is fine, haven't built anything from them.

Pretty much the only one to avoid is PCB Guitar Mania based on what I've read. Some of the boards work just fine, but others don't work at all and you might not get any customer support. It's tempting since the prices can be very low and they have a huge selection, but it seems the huge selection is due to not even verifying boards before shipping and copying other people's designs (badly). This is all hearsay, but it's consistent based on multiple sources.
I build mostly pedal pcb and guitar pcb. Both are excellent and offer kind of different takes on similar effects so you can broaden the catalog of effects you build
haha they have a few 125b projects. i built the Oilosse. its a clone of the Midnight Amplification Holy Mountain. but the enclosure and boards for their hooke reverb are comically huge.
I’ve done their The Thing, Calypso, and Tatiana boards and the Tatiana was the most “normal” sized of the trio in a 1590bb (that really should have been a bb2). All cool AF projects though.
Beyond PedalPCB, Parasit, MadBean, and Moonn are my faves.

I've enjoyed building and playing all the LectricFX and Dead End projects I've built, but have kept only a few due to mostly size constraints
I'd say mask audio electronics is mostly known for their pedals, the black math especially, but they also have a number of DIY boards. I've never tried any of the DIY projects, but Alec seems like a cool guy from my limited interactions with him.

The Damnation Parallel Drive (Rat w/ TS type of thing) is pretty cool. The One Knob Clang (harmonic percolator) was awesome
Has fuzz dogg been mentioned yet? Some of those are fantastic, along with music PCB
I like FuzzDog for when I need to fit two circuits in a 1590BB2 (I think all of their boards are 1590b or smaller, which makes putting two in a BB doable!), but I’m not super impressed with the quality of the boards themselves (they don’t take rework very well in my experience, higher-than-normal rate of lifted pads), and at least one of their boards with a charge pump squealed no matter what I did (can’t remember which offhand). That one aside, though, never had a FuzzDog build that I couldn’t make work.
PedalPCB is my fav followed by madbean and then Effects Layouts

I've also used Aion and lectric fx with success but I don't tend to use them as much
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