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    Best diy compressor for telecaster/chicken pickin?

    Ive been learning come country riffs, fitting since i own two teles. Comp seems to be the secret sauce to get the most twang for you buck. However i know next to nothing about getting country tones. So, what comp will be best? Will be playing into a Blackface Princeton clone. TIA!
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    Idiot proof Tayda UV templates?

    I know this isnt what your after but its a great resource that may help this thread. Credit to leFather on reddit for posting the link Downloadable vector pack containing all the commonly used parts for pedal building. Including different enclosures...
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    Dual Magnetron Delay with a lot of extra features

    Damn, wouod lvoe to hear that in action. Could you explain the pitch shifting feature, ive not seen that done before.
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    Adding infinite delay momentary switch to Seabed

    Sorry read that with when i wasnt wearing glasses. Ive seen it this way (as pictured in my previous post), where you short legs 2/3 of the feedback pot. This way has worked on both the seabed and the magnetron. Also tried it on the pt80 from GGG it also worked but wouldnt work if there was a...
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    Adding infinite delay momentary switch to Seabed

    Yeah, you can add a trim pot (or resistor) inbetween to give you more control of the oscillation
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    GGG PT-80 - Runaway feedback via footswitch?

    Seems to work if i remove the resistor/trim pot and just jumper 2+3 on hte repeats knob via the footswitch. Happy days.
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    GGG PT-80 - Runaway feedback via footswitch?

    Build docs for the pt80
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    GGG PT-80 - Runaway feedback via footswitch?

    Just finished up the GGG PT-80 delay, id like to add a footswtich that will send the pedal in to runaway feedback/oscillation. I was hoping i could just jumper the feedback pot with a resistor (pic below). I've done previously with the seabed delay but that method doesnt seem to be working with...
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    Flock - Safe to remove upper "tab"

    Would removing this part of the pcb cause any issues? Im having some isses getting the jack installed Thanks
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    SOLVED Spatialist and Deflector - Safe to swap emproms? (SOLVED)

    My test boxes battery was flat, easy fix. Thanks agian!
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    SOLVED Spatialist and Deflector - Safe to swap emproms? (SOLVED)

    I just fininished up building a a spatialist and a deflector. Im getting an audio when the pedals are engaged but there is no effect on the audio signal, on both pedals. Before i start troubleshooting, i just want to check if the emproms/ic would get damaged if they were put in the wrong...
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    SOLVED Sproing deluxe - lifted pad? (Solved)

    Ive got it working. I noticed the leds cathode ran to a via not directly to the footswitch pad. So i removed that jumper, pluged into my test box and it worked. Looks like the jumper from the leds cathode to r27 was the only issue that needed to be fixed.
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    SOLVED Sproing deluxe - lifted pad? (Solved)

    Sbrry mate, my first post was lacking a lot of details The ldr/led is working fine. It was the tremolo rate/bypass led. When removing that led to flip it around the cathode pad overheated and lifted and the led stopped working. To make the led work again I jumpered from the cathode leg to the...
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    SOLVED Sproing deluxe - lifted pad? (Solved)

    Boxed my sproing deluxe but installed the tremolo led backwards. While removing the led I lifted the cathode pad. Now my tremolo section isn't working. I rotated the led and ran a jumper to the footswitch and to r27 Unfortunately it's still not working. Does the led cathode connect to anywhere...
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    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    Would it be pssoible to get the sproing deluxe schematic? Ive lifted a pad and cant work out where it connects to. Cheers!
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    Evil muffin

    Cheer man! thats VERY helpful!
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    Evil muffin

    Sounds and looks great! Could you explain those mods in a bit more detail. I'm about to build another muff and would like to try something different this time.
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    SOLVED I can't locate a pcb short (Mahayana)

    Does the whole 9v rail have continuity with ground.. not just the 9v pad? Id remove D1 and see you still have continuity with 9v and ground along the 9v rsil (c6). Then keep removing parts from the 9v path (r10) and follow that 9v rail until you find the short
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    Drill templates for the Victory pedals?

    I can con firm the Magnetron delay drill guide also works for the kraken. Only difference is the led location. You should omit the led at the top of the enclosure. The 2nd led at the bottom is at a different location to the kraken (the kraken led is 2-3mm lower) but if you bend the led i think...