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  1. F

    Lemonade Overdrive

    I never really used my volume and tone until a few years ago. know I don't know how I played without them. I'm looking for a nice transistor od that has decent clean up. I was thinking of the marvel drive or marble drive as its labelled here, but I'm definitely going to consider this pedal...
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    Lemonade Overdrive

    sounds great, looks great! Also, I appreciate you showing the guitar volume clean up. I love the versatility the guitar volume knob can add to some dirt pedals
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    Deflector Reverb "TITAN"

    NIce, I love the graphic. Also, that's a really cool pedalboard. So neat and orderly. I'd love to see more pictures of the pedalboard.
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    Harmonic Tremolos

    Is the level control for volume or effect level
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    RAH - The Cave

    Nice! I’ve built this on vero but I found the eq wasn’t very effective
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    Bondi Sick As

    I found this guts shot on Craigslist. I agree with what megatrav said. Klon with tone stack, bat46 and silicon diodes.
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    John Petrucci Wah

    ok I may of been wrong, while the tearjerker wah would give many of the same parameters to adjust it doesn’t have the six band eq. But that would be a lot to fit into a wah shell without smd.
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    John Petrucci Wah

    The tearjerker wah project that pedal pcb has is fairly tweakable. It has several trim pots and some dip switches. I’m not sure what the differences would be between it and the Petrucci wah. But it’s worth a look
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    Dual overdrives

    That looks great. I’m really curious to see how it sounds! Do you have an demos of it??
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    Caesar Chorus Build

    Looks good! This is on my PCB wish list.
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    kings hand overdrives dip switches

    I would say the dip switches are probably a diode select switch, similar to the king of tone. One dip switch to engage the 1n4148 diodes and the other for the BA282 diode. but
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    Harmonic Tremolos

    Nice both the flint and the monument are great sounding harmonic trems. I like the idea of a simple trem like the schaller/heartthrob. I’ve built the twin peaks trem, and while it’s great I want to have a simple trem pedal. While at least less knobs. Honestly, trem is one of the effects I...
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    Harmonic Tremolos

    I'm not sure what the exact fuzz pedal he uses. He has used King Tone mini fuzz and octaland, and a Hudson broadcast. His Harmonic Tremolo is the Walrus Audio monument. YouTube Ariel pedalboard he has a few different rundowns where he plays through his board so you'll have a better chance of...
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    Meris Pedals

    Are the meris pedals more feasible with the daisy seed?
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    PopTop Boost

    Nice build, Looks great! How does it sound?
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    Daydream V2

    Sounds amazing! Looking forward to hear and learn more about the project
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    Deflector demos

    This is on the short list of builds in the near future. I'd love too hear more demos of it
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    Deflector Reverb

    Awesome! This is definitely on the list!
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    Arachnid - Dual Eeprom

    Looks awesome! love the addition of the selectable EEPROM