I think some people tend to forget how important that control is. Thanks for watching!sounds great, looks great! Also, I appreciate you showing the guitar volume clean up. I love the versatility the guitar volume knob can add to some dirt pedals
I never really used my volume and tone until a few years ago. know I don't know how I played without them. I'm looking for a nice transistor od that has decent clean up. I was thinking of the marvel drive or marble drive as its labelled here, but I'm definitely going to consider this pedal tas well.I think some people tend to forget how important that control is. Thanks for watching!
I am shocked no one has said anything. I recorded a demo running a fuzz face into the hudson broadcast smashing the front end of a jtm45. It was so loud i didnt hear shit falling off shelves, not ideal to record with but was fun as hell.Sweet! Excellent demo.
FILTER is a bass cut on the input. You've probably noticed that FILTER interacts with the guitar's volume control.
"...before the neighbors get pissed." LoL.
You need to incorporate that into your next video....shit falling off shelves...
Looks Cool!Here is my latest demo for the Lemonade OD, a funny little boost that I use to pummel the front end of my Allen Accomplice.