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  1. swelchy

    Inspired by My little Klony.. Kliche

    I’m using Elegoo Phecda 20W diode laser and lightburn as my control software
  2. swelchy

    SOLVED Mach 1 background hiss

    Another good practice is to use as little off board wiring as possible... Dont have signal wiring from your switch board crossing over components on your pcb and also sand/scrape contact areas for jacks/switches on your enclosure to bright metal... I even go as far as cleaning the paint from...
  3. swelchy

    observation with Germ diodes yesterday

    You guys ever run into a set of germanium clippers that are ungodly noisy? I went to test a kliche build last night and fired it up without diodes just to make sure everything fired up.... Flipped it over and threw in a set of germs from my stash and turned it on and it was buzzing like a...
  4. swelchy

    Inspired by My little Klony.. Kliche

    yup... It's my newest toy around here....
  5. swelchy

    Inspired by My little Klony.. Kliche

    (Edited) It has come to my attention this is the popular name used by pedal company Daddy Daughter Pedal Works and they have a great little pedal company out there with awesome family values. Check them out. I loved the idea of the word play on my little klony so I've made an inspired build...
  6. swelchy

    Equilux Mini

    I approve of this post.... heck yeah.
  7. swelchy

    Duo Phase distorting l

    Did you try adjusting your trimmers at all?
  8. swelchy

    Voodoo Redux Guitarpcb

    Man I’d really like to have some sort of setup or way to do demos…. I always play my pedalboard through my PC but I have nothing for recording and certainly don’t have a capable webcam… The webcam I have is from literally 15 years ago.. and….I sold the pedal the same week.. lol.. I do want to...
  9. swelchy

    Muroidea build no sound when engaged

    ditch those alligator clips and get this... your damaging your board...
  10. swelchy

    Abider introducing a tone generation

    shucks...... Well... My other ideas were your footswitch breakout board could have too much solder flowed in there and shorting other pins... but then again you are getting something in bypass and oscillation.. where did you get your ic's from?
  11. swelchy

    Abider introducing a tone generation

    I gotchu...... You need insulators on the back of your pots bruh. Probably shorting all kinds of stuff out..
  12. swelchy

    3PDT question

    would even be fine without wrapping the pin.... a good solid soldered connection will do just fine if your hands are steady enough... just dont drink 2 red bulls before going in...
  13. swelchy

    Rangefinder AC125

    Whooped up a quick little Rangemaster for a fella that has a bunch of my builds … Forgot to snap a pic once I got the tranny measured and selected… it’s buttoned up and shipped off now. Decided to off board wire the pot and mix up the knob layout a bit..
  14. swelchy

    Glory hole - hi cut switch not working

    I've built a few of these and feel the switch doesn't have a very discernable difference
  15. swelchy

    Voodoo Redux Guitarpcb

    I worked up the graphics in gimp and printed on waterslide… it’s pretty decent.. The vibe is decent and the fuzz is a good medium gain… not crazy about the plexi part of the circuit… it’s a decent build
  16. swelchy

    Murdock plus not engaging

    since this is not a pedalpcb build you'd probably get a bit more help if you posted the build doc and schematic as well..
  17. swelchy

    What diode is this?

    looks like one of those cool " Germanium" diodes all the pedal companies selling klones have in
  18. swelchy

    Binaura Stereo FV-1 Build

    Finally finished this one I had on the back burner because originally was not working… Got it all sorted and boxed!
  19. swelchy

    Magnetron - LFO noise in signal?

    every time I've had a true LFO tick I have solved it with using shielded wire from my input and output wires from the jacks to the stomp switch...
  20. swelchy

    XC Phase clipping

    This is very likely to be your Bias trimmer...... adjust it?