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  1. Thommysalami50

    Viceroy Boneyard Edition

    Hello there @Laundryroom David! I’m going through the threads looking for some feedback on the viceroy. I noticed you have the clips/plugs for the DC jack. Where did you source those? Would you recommend this build?
  2. Thommysalami50

    Dwarven Hammer (Horizon Precision Drive)

    Yep! I’ve since learned my lesson way back when this was first built. All of my subsequential pedals have been built with a plastic jack with success. See my profile to see other completed builds.
  3. Thommysalami50

    Dwarven Hammer (Horizon Precision Drive)

    I’m the farthest from an electrician or expert but I think the metal casing of the 9V plug making connection to the metal enclosure was causing a short circuit. Insulating the edges of the hole where the plug is inserted to prevent metal on metal contact resolved the issue.
  4. Thommysalami50

    Spirit box / EQD Ghost Echo

    Finished this build in October 2023 and was my first build using a belton brick. Also my first build that wasn’t dirt/distortion. From my last posts, you can see the skill level gradually increasing from earlier builds. I also went with metal film resistors and WIMA caps for the caps I didn’t...
  5. Thommysalami50

    Dwarven Hammer (Horizon Precision Drive)

    I should’ve added this was before doing bezels. Once I added one with a 5mm LED I’ve never gone back
  6. Thommysalami50

    Dwarven Hammer (Horizon Precision Drive)

    This was my first build that I sourced myself and first purchase from PedalPCB (before unknowingly starting this obsessive hobby). I was extremely surprised this fired up on the first try (before boxing it up) and didn’t have any initial troubleshooting needed due to component placement error...
  7. Thommysalami50

    Ungula Hoof with Cleft Mod

    This was my 3rd build, 1st being a fuzzdog kit w/ all parts pre-sourced and my second (coming soon in another post). It was pretty straightforward, there were some rookie questions I had back when I made this roughly 4 months back (revisited my work in November) but the forum was super helpful...
  8. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ionizer 1 fuzz needs buffer to boost signal?

    This thread has been solved! Replaced the giant caps with normal sized ones. Reflowed everything and Cleaned the board with some alcohol, scrubbed with a toothbrush after that. Very much a shot gun approach but it fixed the issue. Volume and gain is huge!
  9. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ungula Cleft Mod - Pinout orientation for MPSA13 transistors?

    This is a bit late of a response but @cliffs_trip had it right, that extra hole is for different compatibility. I socketed and tried both holes and it made no difference. This one’s been solved!
  10. Thommysalami50

    Hunting a new distortion

    Have you tried running the distortion into the FX return of the amp? I’ve noticed some fuzzes/distortion have some more “girth” or wider range of the EQ in the pedal when doing guitar -> pedal -> FX return
  11. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ungula Cleft Mod - Pinout orientation for MPSA13 transistors?

    I’m building the Ungula (hoof) with the Cleft mod (Cloven hoof). I’m likely over thinking but what is the pinout for the two MPSA13 transistors in Q2, Q3? Here’s a pic of the board. I’ve checked others builds with the cleft mod and I can’t tell if the E,B,C holes are used, or if it’s E, (bottom...
  12. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ionizer 1 fuzz needs buffer to boost signal?

    Thanks for the help guys! I’m going to clean the board and reflow all my solder joints. I might even replace all the caps since they’re basically Pennys on the dollar and there’s only a handful in this simple circuit
  13. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ionizer 1 fuzz needs buffer to boost signal?

    @BuddytheReow @swelchy Shoot, you’re likely right about the 2N2907A transistor. I based my tab orientation based on other people’s builds but not all transistors are the same. Here’s the spec sheet for the mouser part I bought. Do I...
  14. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ionizer 1 fuzz needs buffer to boost signal?

    @BuddytheReow As you can see, I made the classic mistake of ordering high rated voltage caps 😂. The .1uF caps are rated for 400 VDC 5% and the electrolytic is Radial Leaded 47uF 20% 100V. Could that be the problem? Here’s an Imgur link with audio:
  15. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ionizer 1 fuzz needs buffer to boost signal?

    Hey @BuddytheReow , sorry for the belated reply, was briefly out of town. Here’s some pics of the front to back as well as audio clip to show the difference with / without a buffered boss pedal
  16. Thommysalami50

    SOLVED Ionizer 1 fuzz needs buffer to boost signal?

    I built an ionizer 1 (not the second revision with oscillation). It’s built with the PPCB true bypass breakout board. I noticed if I run it from my guitar -> fuzz -> tube amp I get a really weak signal. Even with the knobs dimed, it sounds weak and shrill. If I put it after a buffer (I use a...
  17. Thommysalami50

    2 PCB 1 enclosure with 2x 3PDT breakout boards?

    This is exactly what I’m looking for. I figured it’d be easy but I always am one to double check with more experienced folks. Thanks!!
  18. Thommysalami50

    2 PCB 1 enclosure with 2x 3PDT breakout boards?

    I’m looking to combine two PCBs (spirit box and hydra delay) into a single enclosure. I see the wiki by that shows the switch wiring but was curious if anyone knows of a diagram that shows how to do it with the pedalpcb breakout boards? I’m not looking to do an order switcher or...
  19. Thommysalami50

    Any interesting or cool mods to the Dwarven Hammer PCB? (Precision Drive clone)

    So putting two of the diodes in the same socket? 4 in total?
  20. Thommysalami50

    Any interesting or cool mods to the Dwarven Hammer PCB? (Precision Drive clone)

    I'm interested in subbing out for Green LEDS instead of the clipping diodes since I use it as a level boost for the 5150 along with the tightening of the bass through the attack knob. I'm curious, did the green LED swap increase the volume/headroom of the pedal? is it worth the effort is what...