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  1. Thommo

    Organ Donor Internal Level Trimpot

    Thanks, yeah I found that out. There is no continuity between pins 1 & 2. Reattached the resistor/trimpot using r4 as suggested above. The effect works perfectly but still the trimmer does nothing. Dud trimmer?
  2. Thommo

    Organ Donor Internal Level Trimpot

    Cheers for all the info Feral Feline, I really appreciate it! I'll double check everything when I get home tonight.
  3. Thommo

    Organ Donor Internal Level Trimpot This is the current build doc(Revised 3/1/24) linked on the Organ Donor PCB page. This schematic is the one I’m referencing. The revision addresses the well documented volume drop of the Organ Donor effect. If you zoom in on IC4.1 you...
  4. Thommo

    Organ Donor Internal Level Trimpot

    G'day Folks, I have what I assume is a v1(?) Organ Donor PCB(built and working fine) without the internal Level control. I only noticed the difference while referencing the current build doc for the control names, so I thought I'd have a crack at adding this trimpot to my board, using the...
  5. Thommo

    Spin FV-1 NOOB Question

    Awesome guys! Thanks for clearing that one up for me👍 StompBoxParts were the only supplier with the FV-1 in stock. I end up ordering 3 chips😀😀 while I had the chance! Cheers, Thommo.
  6. Thommo

    Spin FV-1 NOOB Question

    I’ve just ordered a Hydra Delay board, which I’d been hanging out to grab! Just about to try and source a Spin FV-1 chip. My question is, does the FV-1 need anything done to it to work in the circuit? Or, is it just plug-and-play? Solder it in and it does what it does!?! Cheers, Thommo.
  7. Thommo

    Muffin Factory Clarification (dip switch board) Sorted!!

    Awesome! Thank you! I was going around in circles, until I realised it probably doesn't matter but wanted to get a varification. Cheers👍👍
  8. Thommo

    Muffin Factory Clarification (dip switch board) Sorted!!

    G'day folks, Just after some clarification on which way to solder the dip switches and header pins to the break out board. on the silk screen side or the back side? I'm going to have the dip switches external. I'm getting a bit confused with the labelling being opposite from the faceplate to...
  9. Thommo

    Pro 10 Green problem! Solved!!

    Cool, didn't know I could do that!!
  10. Thommo

    Pro 10 Green problem! Solved!!

    Ok, got it sorted. Sounds sweet!! Corrected the 820r resistor, thanks music6000. The main problem would’ve been the handful of 22uF caps I had put into the 2u2 cap drawer.🤤 Three of those made it onto the board, instead of the correct value. Thanks for the replies, I appreciate you taking the...
  11. Thommo

    Pro 10 Green problem! Solved!!

    Also getting clean signal on the right side of the 120pF cap and overdriven signal on the left side of the same cap.
  12. Thommo

    Pro 10 Green problem! Solved!!

    Apologies, I did sub a couple of values on this board. I was thinking of the Pro 10 Blue for some reason. I used 4k7 for the 5k1 resistors And 47k for the 43k resistors. I haven't posted in a forum for a very long time, so I'm a bit rusty, lol...
  13. Thommo

    Pro 10 Green problem! Solved!!

    G'day folks, first post here(unfortunately) I've built up the Pro 10 Green and it is working nicely up until I push the gain up to around 3 o’clock, where it starts to kind of pulse as the signal decays. Below 3 o’clock is fine. 3 o’clock to max gain the pulsing is present. I've uploaded a...