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  1. apc42069

    DEMO A cannibal defends himself in court

    we really need a 🤯 react button
  2. apc42069

    Muffin Fuzz / EHX Big Muff (Triangle)

    Figured it was high time to start building muffs. I'm planning to go through chronologically, ergooo - here's my triangle! I had lower gain trannies in at first, but felt a little lifeless - there are BC109s in presently, and they'll rock until I get bored. Tayda UV print on Clear powder...
  3. apc42069

    Duocast / Hudson Broadcast (Dual Footswitch)

    This sat very nearly finished on my bench for like a month *shakes fist at 120 uf electrolytics* (mind your BOM peoples!), so boxing this one up felt incredddibly satisfying. In the limited amount of time I've had to play around with her, I really dig it! Like, really really dig it.. I...
  4. apc42069

    Delegate (Warden) Upgrades

    beautiful- thanks Dr. Bones
  5. apc42069

    Delegate (Warden) Upgrades

    Rez erection time (sorry) Do you mean C7 & C8? C6 looks tone stack related to my naive eyes. Thanks
  6. apc42069

    Greetings! …oh, and looking for GE PNP transistors for Fuzz Face!

    Oh you said hard to find not impossible 🫠🤙
  7. apc42069

    Greetings! …oh, and looking for GE PNP transistors for Fuzz Face!

    Dudes! I grabbed 2 packs of his MP20s recently. After marking the first like 9 of them “***prime FF***” I tested two WELL above RG Keen’s acceptable thresholds.. finally able to properly bias my FZ1. It went from sounding realllllllly shite to really shite but in an on purpose way- reminding me...
  8. apc42069

    Protoboard Power Question

    no clue, but I'm excited to research it. again, I'm a life sciences guy...and even still, I had to fulfill my degree's organic chem requisite at the community college (because that summer course eschewed formulae!) conceptually, every new problem I encounter makes perfect sense...but learning...
  9. apc42069

    Protoboard Power Question

    Yes, don't try using those pins yet. I *was* identically afflicted actually! I think the last of my (many) backorders arrived today matter of fact. send me a DM, and we'll figure out how to get a few your way.
  10. apc42069

    B-Side Fuzz | Mid-Fi Demo Tape Fuzz

    Will appreciate your brain every time I fire this thing up from henceforth to oblivion! It's 1/1 and I've no plans to sell em.. if that ever changes, I'll hit ya beforehand.
  11. apc42069

    Protoboard Power Question

    thank you jefe! that was more/less my question. Which of course poses another question.. is there a sneaky way of knowing the VREF just by reading the schematic? Is it always half the VCC?
  12. apc42069

    B-Side Fuzz | Mid-Fi Demo Tape Fuzz

    First and Foremost: I'm 89% sure I ripped off the name "Portafuzz" from someone on here. If anyone knows the OG please drop them here, so I can update this post with due credit. ***update*** This idea came from the beautiful brain of a one @Harry Klippton - thank you doctor!! Now then.. I...
  13. apc42069

    Protoboard Power Question

    Forgive my naivety - again, I'm a life sciences guy evolving from a pedal-by-numbers place to a hmmm-how-does-this-all-actually-work-and-can-I-learn-to-color-outside-the-lines place.. So thanks in advance for taking a min to read this. Was going to DM the chef de cuisine, a one @BuddytheReow ...
  14. apc42069

    Marigold / Sola Sound Yellow Hybrid Tone Bender

    *update* I soldered the diodes into the sockets, but before doing so - I had to just see if Q3 C at 2.6 was better…dropped in a 5.7 V zener, C measured 2.65 - I didn’t dig it! The range of cleanup was narrowed (by a lot, similar to my AM Sun Face actually), and the tone control was also way...
  15. apc42069

    Marigold / Sola Sound Yellow Hybrid Tone Bender

    honestly man.. I thought I had struck having-my-cake-that-i-get-to-eat gold with the twin face, but ultimately it's still an either/or situation (and since I'm a non-gigging, non-traveling guitar player.. putting 16 pedals on the floor ain't really an issue...with strategically placed buffers...
  16. apc42069

    Marigold / Sola Sound Yellow Hybrid Tone Bender

    Dooooo iiiiit!!
  17. apc42069

    Marigold / Sola Sound Yellow Hybrid Tone Bender

    oooooooooh BABY! Look, I dont know if it's because I've been on an accidental fuzz break or what, but hollllllyfuckingshit this sounds AMAZING!!!!!! I was on a streak of modulation effects, then played around with distortions, then some more modulations & it's been a good dozen or so builds...
  18. apc42069

    Hydra Delay

    This is my Hydra. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. I got burnt out on PT2399s, and wanted to dip my toes in the FV-1 waters. Highly recommend this project. A bunch of usable sounds for all styles, but in my brief TIME with her, I think she SHINES brightest doing the...
  19. apc42069

    Cepheid Chorus / Boss CE-2

    like when I searched for 24pawg wire recently 🙈